Question 1030

Photo by: Guian Bolisay

18 Responses to “Question 1030”

  1. Eljai:

    work on my addiction recovery and eat chocolate

  2. Mazl:

    be thankful – and plan to be active

  3. dada:

    hug …and fresh air …

  4. Susan:

    Run and shower.

  5. alwaysbelieve:

    Mediate and breath in the air as a new day

  6. Rob:

    I need some time to myself, and I need a real connection to others

  7. Me:

    exercise and meditate.

  8. Osiris:

    Smile and laugh

  9. mitesh:

    learn something & step towards my goal

  10. Zena:

    give my daughter a loving hug and say thank you for all the good people in my life.

  11. Victoria:

    be grateful and be honest

  12. Jack:

    Eating and Sleeping.

  13. Markus:

    I really need music everyday, because I always listen to it. No matter how I feel I need music. And I also need sleep to get new energy.


    meditation , love

  15. Wanton:

    Smile in the morning and hug someone at night.

  16. Al:

    wake up – work.

  17. joe:

    pray and ponder

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