Question 1070

Photo by: Bram Reinders

18 Responses to “Question 1070”

  1. orage:

    Probably my health; I’m not as active as I should be.

  2. anon:

    After finding out my uncle has stage four colon cancer, my health. Possibly my life.

  3. Mazl:

    my freedom –

  4. susan:

    I’ve never gone hungry and I’ve always had a home.

  5. Talia:

    my freedom

  6. Kennedy:

    The time I get to spend with the people I truly love and look up to.

  7. KK:

    The love and kindness my husbands shows me everyday.

  8. Everyday comforts like a reliable car, beautiful home, power, running water, etc.

  9. Jana:

    Huge love that my mom gives me

  10. Osiris:


  11. Ellaine:

    My life. I am now realizing that i may have done something, but i never tried.

  12. Navyshebee:

    My husband’s unconditional love and the love of my children, I am working on being more grateful and showing it in my actions.

  13. Unbelievaburgers:

    My gratitude journal.

  14. y:


  15. Marty:

    The love of my Heavenly Father

  16. Cami:

    The love of my family, especially of my little sister.

  17. Senbon:

    My parents and my studies as well the content I feel in life

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