Question 1085

Photo by: Sean Kelly

32 Responses to “Question 1085”

  1. Eljai:

    blankity blankin awkward

  2. chelsea:

    better than before. 🙂

  3. flg:

    on my way.

  4. Mazl:


  5. dada:

    on right way

  6. Barb:

    still trying

  7. amber:

    at a crossroads

  8. Jodie:

    alive, awake, and aware

  9. maslow:

    Going straight over a cross-roads, because I can’t chose a turn.

  10. Carla:

    starting over again.

  11. Kennedy:

    Simply a Segway.

  12. KK:

    Waiting to start

  13. shipra:

    Depressing, oppressing and motivating

  14. kim:

    powerless sad defeated

  15. Theresa:

    not there yet

  16. Eva:

    Following my dream

  17. Ashley:

    I’m so lost.

  18. Benjamin Bonds:

    Following my heart

  19. Kyle:

    Figuring it out

  20. Seun:

    Content but expectant

  21. Integrating Life Lessons

  22. Talia:

    Better than before.

  23. Navyshebee:


  24. Randy Seabrook:

    Contemplating what’s next

  25. krystal:

    In the process of change…painful to make the same mistakes, in transition to being myself again.

  26. Alex:


  27. Brenda:

    Really scared about being and getting older. Wish I could handle this timein my life. Weary. Of life itself. Sad.

  28. Justis:

    Learning, alive, wondering

  29. zavia:

    in the prosess of right change,content

  30. james:


  31. Cami:

    Waiting to start

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