Question 570

Photo by: Nathan Hayag

32 Responses to “Question 570”

  1. zoe:

    -my boyfriend- i really want us to last. the first few months are the hardest i think.

  2. pnog:

    Trying to find my way to help the world and have fun doing it.

  3. Heather:

    my future

  4. omghaveyoulostyourmind?/iloveyou!:):

    the lorax.

  5. Laila:


  6. Blink:

    Tbh it’s always been about surviving and making it through. But now it’s about life and how amazing each day is

  7. Figuring out what’s life’s about…^^

  8. jw:

    My dream.

  9. Luci:


  10. Trying my best to avoid reality.

  11. pit:

    trying to find my place in the world

  12. mac1:


  13. Danielle:

    School. Don’t know what I’m going to do when I graduate college in May…

  14. bsf:

    trying to be more social. last year i was out of school a lot and i became less close with some of my friends, so i’m trying to rebuild my relationships.

  15. Rachel:


  16. Irene:

    my future and finding a job/purpose

  17. winston:

    looking for my silver spoon since every white person is born with one.

  18. b:

    School and sports

  19. d:

    My education, then my wedding…after thats done I don’t know what I will do

  20. Chris:

    Becoming a doctor. I want to help people as badly as I want to breathe. Hold your breath for 60 seconds, and then you will understand.

  21. S.:

    My education and my career, but I’m thinking about giving more attention to my relationships (friends, family, lover).

  22. ehm:

    hmm .. I think my primary focus in life is still finding a way how to excel in life in the age of 18. because to tell the truth i still find myself worthless feeling that i haven’t achieved something that would be worth for me in the upcoming future.

  23. worthy adversaries

  24. Wesley:

    The more I think about it, just being happy is my primary focus. Whether it’s being with my girlfriend, finally turning in that project that took so much time, or whatever it may be.

    What’s the point in life if you’re not happy, even if just for a little bit each day.

  25. caitlin:

    to be a good person and follow my dreams

  26. Emily:


  27. Kinza:

    Medicine, or Psychology

  28. Erica:

    weight loss

  29. daniela:

    Be excellent at school, which has become
    Graduate in medicine, which has just become struggling to get the best postgraduate education I deserve as a toung doctor

  30. Rayton:

    my success- studies especially

  31. Jp:


  32. Isabelle:

    ”hmm .. I think my primary focus in life is still finding a way how to excel in life in the age of 18. because to tell the truth i still find myself worthless feeling that i haven’t achieved something that would be worth for me in the upcoming future.”

    Same for me, everything I do is to make sure I am successful in the future, so insecure about that, I don’t want to miss a thing that could help me, so I tend to stack too much stuff on my plate. 18 too.

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