Question 276

Photo by: Trey Ratcliff

45 Responses to “Question 276”

  1. Bob:

    Nobody, I stopped trying to impress people a long time ago.

  2. Pocky:

    The love of my life (:

  3. Sophia:

    My best friends. And my parents. No special reason why.

  4. I would have to say my spouse and my adult children and grandchildren. I want my life to make a difference in theirs, so I want what I do to be pleasing to them. That doesn’t mean I let them run all over me!

  5. Aaron:

    My mom, dad, and little brother. They’re the most important people in the world to me. I know my little brother looks up to me, so if I keep doing what I’m doing now, then I know he’ll turn out just fine.

  6. Sarah:

    Myself. Only when I learn how to love myself can others love me too.

  7. Jessica:

    This was already written, but definitely myself. It’s important to me to be happy with myself and what I’m doing. My opinion of myself matters first and foremost.

  8. Jamie:

    My dogs, because just coming home everyday from work impresses them, and no matter how many times I mess up, their love for me never changes.

  9. Libby:

    I wish I could be proud of myself, and pleased with what I do and choose. I always put myself down. I love myself. But I’m never good enough.

  10. taylor:

    Jesus or God, afterall they are the reason we are alive.

  11. L.:

    Because I will be the only one who has to go trough every second of life with me.

  12. Allie:

    My friends because I’m always worried they all secretly hate me.

  13. Betsy:

    God. I feel like the cutting makes me unimpressive of what he has created.

  14. Betsy:

    Also, I’m afraid my friends my will leave me and I will have nobody.

  15. Emma:

    my sisters, because I’ve let them down so many times before after all they’ve done for me

  16. Shaun:

    I would love to be able to please myself. I’m getting there!

  17. Ael:

    My mom, because what I do is never good enough it seems, and I’d like that to change.
    Myself. It would fix a lot of problems if I could just stop hating myself.

  18. Tiva:

    I find myself seeking approval from my mother for some reason. Maybe since she was the one to leave the family when I was real young. That’s mostly on a subconscious level.
    I really strive to please myself in most everything I do. Someone asked me once “how do you know something is good” (when creating something). The answer is when it looks, tastes, feels good to YOU! I guess since I am my own worst critic, it’s important for me to not do a half-assed job on anything, because I’ll constantly be thinking afterwards what I could have done differently to finish it.

  19. Justin:

    I pleaded everyone

    I would like to plead myself because if I am going to help others, I can’t let my life down for them. And I already am balancing on that. =)

  20. manny:

    grandfather. Because he’s the most important man in my life, aside from my brother.

  21. C:

    myself, i have the hardest time doing things I want to do for myself.
    i have to stop living life for everyone else.

  22. G:

    My grandparents, simply because they’ve done everything they can to please me.

  23. Laura:

    My parents. Because it’s hard to live up to my “perfect” older brother..

  24. My grandmother…
    hvn’t seen her smile for awhile 😉

  25. Jake:

    My mom, because she’s paying a ton of money by herself to put me through a school im doing terrible at because she believes in me.

  26. Lindsey:


  27. Nas:


  28. Ashh:

    above all my parents

  29. melissa:

    My dad because it feels like most of the time i feel like I’m not good enough and that I keep on letting him down. I just want him to be proud in me and be proud to call me his daughter.

  30. Moochy:

    no one, really. “Do it be cause you can, and because it needs doing”. Doing to impress is a waste of life.

  31. Aaron:

    My wife. No doubt about it. The most important person in my life.

  32. Teresa:

    My mother who tries her best to give me the best education she can.

  33. Dani:

    My Mom, because she’s never happy or confident in herself

  34. Jade:

    The man of my dreams.

  35. Hennie:

    God – my future is in His hands.

  36. Quinn:

    MY PARENTS… I love them and want them to be proud of me. I know I’ve let them down in the past, and I don’t want to let them down anymore. I try so hard to live up to the high expectations they set for me. They want nothing but the best for me, but its to bad that they don’t know me well enough to know what is actually best for me, and that what they think is the best is actually not helping and might even be hurting me. 🙁

  37. hmmm.. my gramma

  38. d:

    my dad. he expects so much from me and sees me as his perfect daughter, i would never want to disappoint him.

  39. Nick:

    My parents.

  40. Katy:

    My parents, they’ve done everything in their power to get me to where I am today, and I would love to repay them with my own personal success.

  41. Jane:

    Any teachers who saw me as a potential. My parents would always be pleased with me.

  42. Julia:

    Myself. Because when I’m happy with myself, that’s all that really matters.

  43. Jessica:

    My parents.

    Because they struggled. They did. And they made an amazing life for themselves, and gave me an amazing life.

    And I want them to know that all the hard work /wasn’t/ an entire waste.

  44. Sarah:

    Myself 🙂

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