Question 332

Photo by: Prashant Zi

29 Responses to “Question 332”

  1. anonymous:

    my piano. everytime I sit down to play, all my negative thoughts and emotions go away, which saves me from self injury and suicide.

  2. Ella:

    playing my guitar 🙂

  3. Jayne:

    I’m working on perfecting the art of taking a nap. Practice makes perfect!

  4. I love to practice swordplay with my stage-combat-steel sword and I love to practice climbing my favorite routes at the rock climbing gym.

  5. JJ:

    yoga-the more i do it it reminds me of how my body use to move when i was a gymnast

  6. Angria:

    Horseback riding. It keeps me focused and calm, my release for all my anxiety and stress.

  7. b:

    rowing and playing rugby

  8. jw:

    so many

  9. Swish:

    Hugging 😉

  10. Anonymous:


  11. Anne:

    my ukulele!

  12. Ash:

    Violin. I’ve only played for about a year, but its probably the best thing I’ve ever learned to do. 🙂

  13. whatever fears me yet would make me feel good if I just push myself through it regardless of the fear.
    One fear a day is kinda my practice 😉

  14. Jillianne:

    Guitar and Breath work

  15. Tiva:

    I love practicing my freestyle dancing while listening to my favorite songs. So fun and freeing… makes me feel younger and happy!

  16. :):

    running- cross country is my life, and i love the feeling of getting faster

  17. mm:

    i mostly work on computers so my hand-drawings arnt so detailed

  18. Carla:

    Flag-football 🙂

  19. A:

    the things i am not required to practice. the things i dont take lessons in- piano, guitar, oboe.

  20. Gracie:

    Singing for choir <3

  21. CocoPuff:

    I love to practice with my speech and singing.

  22. nocturnesthesia:

    Dance Dance Revolution. I have no athletic ability and fall all over myself whenever I do anything more complex than jogging, but I am getting really good at DDR.

  23. Drew:


  24. olga:

    yoga. it’s the greatest thing to have come into my life. not only is it physically restorative, but psychologically and mentally as well. it allows me to have solitude and clear my mind. 🙂

  25. Annie:


  26. mistie:

    I love to practice writing and acting and singing.

  27. Nick:

    Singing, dancing and being creative.

  28. Copper:

    My trumpet.

  29. Julie Takase:


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