Question 353

Photo by: Helga Weber

41 Responses to “Question 353”

  1. Heather:

    Writing. It used to be my passion. Now by the time I get home from work, I have no motivation for anything at all.

  2. Kate:

    My life.
    I’m not suicidal or anything. Just my life specifically is not interesting to me anymore.

  3. Allie:

    My major. I wanted to be a nurse my whole life until recently. I CHANGED MY MAJOR

  4. Eric:

    Food. I used to enjoy eating and tasting, now I just eat to cure hunger.

  5. Gracie:

    reading. I used to read for HOURS every night since elementary school. Now I just don’t have time and I don’t really miss it…

  6. Aaron:

    I feel like I’ve been losing interest in my studies. I’m taking pretty boring classes right now except for organic chemistry. For microbio, my teacher sucks and I don’t care about it in the first place and for english, I have a good teacher, but I despise the subject. I guess I just have to drag myself through my studies this semester.

  7. Sophia:

    Music. Before I used to play guitar every day almost 2 hours, but now I never play anymore.

  8. maria:

    my major!

  9. B3SH0Y:


  10. jw:


  11. Ael:

    Playing music, reading, writing, painting, drawing. I feel like I’ve kind of lost interest in my life for now.

  12. Diii:

    My life’s not interesting anymore ..never been in fact

  13. Michael:

    The love for my family.
    I don’t know if it means much anymore. To me atleast.

  14. RE:B3SH0Y:

    You’re probably depressed but that just sounds emo.

    “What have you lost interest in recently?”

  15. Tiva:

    Keeping these extra pounds on my body. I am more interested in knowing what it’s like to be at least 25 pounds lighter. That would be so cool!

    Also, drinking hot chocolate every morning.

  16. Sandy:

    My Bf.

  17. cooking 😉

    it’s just food, recently i got tired of over processing foods.
    instead i try to enjoy the natural tastes of fruits & veggies more.

  18. Niki:


  19. Anonymous:


  20. CRAIG:

    Politicians, I have come to realise that they are only “in it” for themselves

  21. Katie Z:

    Having relationships with other people.

  22. Kelly:

    Housework, I used to be so motivated to get all my housework done, now I really canny be bothered.

  23. Jillian:

    School, but I’m so close to graduation its a shame.

  24. M:

    School; This semester is really hard to handle and nows the time when I have to start making decisions of what I want to do. I just don’t want to chose.

  25. Berry:

    I’m tired of school, hanging out with friends, every week it’s the same thing.
    I yearn for adventure. I have always felt I’ve been meant for something bigger in life, but I don’t know. No one takes me seriously and sometimes I feel i can’t take myself seriously either. When people ask me what my goals in life are, I really have none. I believe even though you have goals, things rarely ever turn out the way you want them too. And how do we know what we really want? Right now i am craving a snickers bar, but when i take that bite, i realize it’s not as great as I imagined it to be.

  26. Kat:

    Schoooool. Ready for graduation!

  27. Intimate relations…. I just can’t get myself in the mood to enjoy it anymore.


  28. Sara:

    Love- outside of the family and friends.
    Waste of time.

  29. Sapphire...:

    Trying to get guys to like me. They either do or they don’t.

  30. June:


  31. zai:

    guys..somehow they don’t seem so perfect like they used to

  32. c.trip:

    it’s not worth it to becoming a skinny-minnie. i love the way i am.

  33. Brooke:

    Photography, sadly.

  34. Atomickey:

    Cooking. But after my mom made me work in our Family Restaurant I honestly can say I hate the pressure. I guess i just loved free lance cooking.

  35. Nick:

    Writing songs. Playing Facebook games and apps.

  36. Jim:

    The consequences of my actions.

  37. Taylor:

    My life all together!

  38. Copper:


  39. Alex:

    Being fake.
    I will be myself from now on.

  40. hexmage:

    Lost interest in the 3 things that my life revolved around for the past 5 years. I’m fighting to keep in two of them, as the third is a lost cause. I am just drifting through my life right now waiting for a change. Just something to shock my nerves back into focus.

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