Question 363

Photo by: Reto Fetz

29 Responses to “Question 363”

  1. jw:

    at home

  2. Aaron:

    studying in my room or in a study lounge

  3. Victoria:

    physically in my room
    mentally, who knows.

  4. Laura:

    In my mind, haha…
    Physically, in class or in front of my computer.

  5. Angria:

    My dorm or the classroom. Usually in my head at all times.

  6. Gracie:

    Weekdays: School :\
    Weekends: In my room or at my friends houses

  7. Heather:

    Physically: At home with my mother.

    Mentally: With him, even though he wants nothing to do with me right now. I can’t help myself from living in the past in my head as a physically try to move myself forward….

  8. Megan:


  9. Heather:

    Work. I probably spend almost as much time there as I do asleep. If not more.

  10. Sophia:

    Home, school and the tennis court.

  11. L:

    School, home and the infinite realm of Imagination.

  12. Bleeding Cobra:

    Work and college.

  13. Dee:

    About equal between work and home.

  14. Alicia:

    At Home as I’m a stay-at-home mom.

  15. in an open vast universe

  16. dk:

    my room or school

  17. mm:

    Either at my dream job or at gym!!!

  18. Jillian:

    sitting in a chair

  19. octav:

    scary answer. in front of the computer

  20. Cody:

    At my best friends house, he has really gotten me through a lot this past couple years!

  21. In front of my computer.

  22. Alexandra:

    In my room.

  23. Marisol:

    At my house. I live in a student co op and i love my housemates.

  24. Brooke:

    School and hanging out with friends takes up about 50% of my time, the other 50% is spent in my room listening to music.

  25. Jomz:

    Room and in front of the computer.

  26. Me:

    on the computer

  27. Nick:

    Computer. So guilty.

  28. School! (I work there. :p)

  29. Jane:

    2 places.

    1. A chair in a classroom
    2. A chair at my desk in front of my computer

    This constitutes almost ALL my time.

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