Question 526

Photo by: Brian Wolfe

40 Responses to “Question 526”

  1. Richard:

    My relationship with my girlfriend.

  2. Lockleigh:


  3. None:

    Becoming a nurse

  4. Brad:

    My inner quest for self knowledge. This universe gave me a gift which it can take away at any time. I wish I cherish it for how greatly extraordinary it really is.

    Gift of extraordinary opportunity and potential, health, consciousness, self awareness, in the internet age of human history, in a place (OZ) & time of wealth, peace & democracy. And I have awesome relationships (except family!). My gift is shadowed with severe depression and mental illness; an ancestral line of child abuse.

    So my passion is recognising and celebrating life as a truly amazing gift, a path of gratitude & splendor and a concurrent struggle with the constant challenge of mental illness.

    I love performance art, inspired minds and green tree frogs, trippy hippies, para-gliding and a curiosity of the complex and the simple drops of dew on a leaf. Did I mention Live music, art and friendly drugs – damm they don’t mix with medication – I go loopy lou……….oh well: health and gratitude is a better drug than anything. cheerio Brad

  5. Monjebleu:

    Troll Hunting

  6. Angria:

    My major (and future career). It kind of fell into my lap during my first year in college, a major I would never even consider in my lifetime. But, for maybe the second time in my life, it felt 100% right, regardless of my doubts and reservations about following such a path. I went with my gut and never looked back. Just reading one of my textbooks makes my face breakout into an involuntary smile 🙂

  7. (:

    College! And women’s rights.
    Which are kind of the same thing for me right now since I’m a Women and Gender Studies major.

  8. LAX:

    The absolute necessity of literature to humanity. “Poets are the unacknowledged legislatures of the world!” – P.B. Shelley

  9. writing: through it I try to express myself and stay valuable to others by giving some inspirations or amusements away 😉

  10. Morgan:

    Finally feeling good about myself. Becoming fit to reveal who I really was all along, and making my best friend Ana happy 🙂

  11. Ben:

    Theatre 🙂

  12. Tori:

    Soccer, when I’m playing everything else just seems to disappear for 90 min it’s just the game 🙂

  13. Blair:

    Sounds lame but driving, doesn’t matter where.

  14. Danielle:

    Finishing college, earning my degree in Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and becoming a Registered Nurse.

  15. killing fruit flies

  16. Shaq:

    My career in engineering.

  17. that one hippy chic:

    I’m passionate about music~ it’s that one thing that everyone loves. I’m just content on listening, but I can’t control myself when I’m driving—I sing with the radio so loud, I probably look like a big dork but I love it!

    School is something else I love; now that I think I found my calling (engineering), I can go to school with a huge smile and good attitude. I just can’t wait for that one class where I can joke around with the dudes and build robots with everyone.

    A very strong passion I have is my stories; I love writing—especially gay romances. (Yeah you heard me right—gay romances!)

    And of course, my new passion—the passion for fashion!

  18. that one hippy chic:

    *high five for Shaq* WOOOO! XD

  19. Firefly:

    Harry Potter.

  20. xox:

    My faith and relationship with God.

  21. Mandy:

    Living for God….pleasing Him

  22. pnog:

    currently, language study. (I’m getting ready to pass a language proficiency test while living abroad).

    After, likely engineering

  23. abbey:

    Dancing <3 especially hip hop.

    And my future-college, med school, getting married (hopefully!), having kids :]

  24. theofficialassistanttothelorax:

    o, you know, just, being around, and how that’s like.

  25. Rachel:

    My Acting

  26. -__-:

    Becoming a doctor…someday

  27. vcm:

    Him and him.

  28. Megan:

    cheer and my art major 🙂

  29. Javier:

    my future career and my girlfriend!!!

  30. Kris:

    my friends, they always have my back

  31. Amber:

    My relationship with God. His plan for me, and not doubting it.

  32. Ali:


  33. Alison:

    My relationship with my mom, and my boyriend, and colorguard.

  34. Dhaval:

    analyzing human behavior….

  35. Sadies (From USA):

    Music and Acting. My 2 dreams in Life.

  36. Jessica:

    My friendships and creating memories.

  37. Julia:

    The quality.

  38. I am into Mountain Biking right now… I wanna be good with it…

  39. Macey:


  40. Rayton:

    Learning languages-Spanish and French

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