Question 544

Photo by: Good Day

40 Responses to “Question 544”

  1. sasha:

    -my boyfriend
    -my parents
    -my life

  2. anon:

    God, family, friends

  3. Heather:

    1. God
    2. My Dog
    3. Life

  4. Cory:

    -My Work

  5. Morgan:

    Frieds, Family, Music.

  6. My happiness comes from my heart, the more I stay comfortable with my own self the happier I am 🙂

    As Gandhi put it, [Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.]

  7. Alicia:

    1. my boyfriend <3
    2. my true friends
    3. being at college (FREEDOM!!!!)

  8. my dog,
    my true friends. <3

  9. S:


  10. Nikki:

    The knowledge that my friends are there
    Playing music
    The ability to read and escape into other worlds

  11. Tiva Joy:

    1. Music
    2. Dancing
    3. Food

  12. Anne:

    1. music/art
    2. laughter
    3. staying up really late so that I can keep texting my friends 🙂

  13. Richard:

    1. God
    2. My girlfriend
    3. My family

  14. anna:

    friends, school, hope for the future

  15. Laila:

    My education, my friends, my family (cliche but true :D)

  16. Mandy:

    1. GOD(praying,reading my Bible, going to church)
    2. My awesome husband
    3. My crazy kids

  17. Angria:

    My horse, learning something new, and my friends

  18. jw:

    Family, friends, books.

  19. Ira:

    1. Music –>meaning inspiration
    2. Friends
    3. All the Beauty in the world –>art, nature, animals etc.

  20. Dhaval:

    1. winning against fight within
    2. Music
    3. Adventure sports

  21. Rachel:

    3.Friends and Family.

  22. Rachel:

    Friends, close family and animals.

  23. pnog:

    The Internet.
    Other people to talk with
    Dacing with music

  24. Jessica:

    My friends, family and pictures.

    and this was mentioned above: the beauty in the world. that actually probably would take my number 3 spot

  25. A.A.Alamin:

    God.. my best best friends and having hope 🙂

  26. Danielle:


  27. LaraC:

    -being part of my family
    -my books
    -human ability

  28. Mike:

    1. Wife
    2. Oldest son
    3. Youngest son

  29. Javier:

    1.- Family and friends
    2.- Myself
    3.- Positivity in all forms

  30. Tere:

    1)My boyfriend
    2)My friends
    3)My books

  31. Conor:

    Love – the love I give to those close to me and the love I feel from them in return.
    Beauty – there are so many beautiful things in the world, from music and art to nature and the universe.

  32. TP:

    My mother, myself, my friends. (And I can’t help but put a fourth: feminism ^__^)

  33. Rachael:

    – My pets (two horses, a dog, and two cats)
    – My family and true friends
    – Trying to make everyone have a little bit of hope even when I don’t

  34. Debbie:

    My family and super friends

    My love life <3

    The way I am

  35. erika:

    -my boyfriend 😀

  36. winston:

    1-my two boys 2-my faith 3-being alive

  37. kurei:

    1) My friends

    2) making someone smile

    3) that feeling you get when it feels like your life is on the right track

  38. S.:

    My family
    My friends

  39. Rayton:

    1. Myself- my gols, my growth and being myself
    2. My friends- who are there and I enjoy their company
    3. my family – who’s always there and supports me.

  40. Copper:

    God. Family. Friends.

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