30 Answers »
Laying under the shade on a lovely day and not having to do anything.
My horse
Knowing that no matter what happens to me, others will carry the torches of freedom and liberty forward into the future.
My answer: http://palmtreesbarefeet.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/tuesday-question-2/
Just being in my girlfriends arms makes everything else go away.
That and hearing of a good deed someone has done, reminds there are still good people in the world.
writing and music when no one else is around and I can just belt out my own lyrics or favorite songs. and when I cuddle with my dog.
my cat gives me peace
I feel peaceful when I know my son is happy and content.
Not fighting with life, allowing it to happen as it is, settling for more. It’s bed for the head.
Realizing I am loved
Reading in silence 🙂
good question.deep
Being at church worshipping God<3 :)v
tangible: being out in nature intangible: knowing that humanity will continue to press on
Looking up at the sky.
Been in peace with God, la misa, comulgar
My work
knowing that God is in control.
letting go, and accepting that I can only control my reaction and mindset toward something.
being outside 🙂
Me and my cat sitting under the weeping willow on a lovely summer day.
being able to dance
A long hot shower.
Between 5 o clock to 6 o clock.
That one day, I might be happy
coming home after a long day to the bark of my dog knowing that no one can hurt me at home
Horseback riding
The knowledge that somehow, someway, all the work I’m doing now will pay off.
The thought that I will die.
Reading a good story
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Laying under the shade on a lovely day and not having to do anything.
My horse
Knowing that no matter what happens to me, others will carry the torches of freedom and liberty forward into the future.
My answer: http://palmtreesbarefeet.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/tuesday-question-2/
Just being in my girlfriends arms makes everything else go away.
That and hearing of a good deed someone has done, reminds there are still good people in the world.
writing and music when no one else is around and I can just belt out my own lyrics or favorite songs. and when I cuddle with my dog.
my cat gives me peace
I feel peaceful when I know my son is happy and content.
Not fighting with life, allowing it to happen as it is, settling for more. It’s bed for the head.
Realizing I am loved
Reading in silence 🙂
good question.deep
Being at church worshipping God<3
tangible: being out in nature
intangible: knowing that humanity will continue to press on
Looking up at the sky.
Been in peace with God, la misa, comulgar
My work
knowing that God is in control.
letting go, and accepting that I can only control my reaction and mindset toward something.
being outside 🙂
Me and my cat sitting under the weeping willow on a lovely summer day.
being able to dance
A long hot shower.
Between 5 o clock to 6 o clock.
That one day, I might be happy
coming home after a long day to the bark of my dog knowing that no one can hurt me at home
Horseback riding
The knowledge that somehow, someway, all the work I’m doing now will pay off.
The thought that I will die.
Reading a good story