I have a hard time saying no to a lot of things. Most of the time I end up just changing the subject then walking away after an awkward comment.
Weed, cigarettes, alcohol, certain company.
Helping anyone whether they ask or not.
Helping friends, even when I’m busy or stressed about other things.
I don’t find it difficult to say no, not anymore. After I stood up to my dad, I haven’t had trouble with it… Nothing can be harder than that day.
sex, food when I am hungry enough, type-A vacations of any length, extra time to sleep, a book that has caught my fancy and any mood-altering substance(to my detriment, sometimes) – to name just a few.
helping anyone, whether i know them or not. My dad actually yelled at me once for saying yes to helping him.
I like helping people because it makes me feel good to see someone smile, even if it was just helping them pick up papers. I know that I helped make their day a fraction better.
same as heather only its because I have an impulse for everyone to like me and it bothers me ALOT when someone doesnt
everything. I am very much like the movie “yes man”. My friends often say my weakness is that I can’t say no.
women.Its a mental thing but a pretty face can take my last penny.They always have.Pray for me
I would rather say, see you later but goodbye is so final.
…saying good-bye when I have to go and do things. I think of the other person first, and don’t want to ever make them think anything is more important to me than them.
Leading. I am a natural born leader and when I see an opportunity to lead or am asked to I have to take it, even though that sometimes means I become overwhelmed and have way to much to do. I have run into that recentaly, but God got me throughout it.
Helping people, especially when they need someone to talk to. And I have a hard time keeping myself from trusting people when I know I shouldn’t because they’ve hurt me many times before…
I have a hard time saying no to a lot of things. Most of the time I end up just changing the subject then walking away after an awkward comment.
Weed, cigarettes, alcohol, certain company.
Helping anyone whether they ask or not.
Helping friends, even when I’m busy or stressed about other things.
I don’t find it difficult to say no, not anymore. After I stood up to my dad, I haven’t had trouble with it… Nothing can be harder than that day.
sex, food when I am hungry enough, type-A vacations of any length, extra time to sleep, a book that has caught my fancy and any mood-altering substance(to my detriment, sometimes) – to name just a few.
helping anyone, whether i know them or not. My dad actually yelled at me once for saying yes to helping him.
I like helping people because it makes me feel good to see someone smile, even if it was just helping them pick up papers. I know that I helped make their day a fraction better.
same as heather only its because I have an impulse for everyone to like me and it bothers me ALOT when someone doesnt
everything. I am very much like the movie “yes man”. My friends often say my weakness is that I can’t say no.
women.Its a mental thing but a pretty face can take my last penny.They always have.Pray for me
I would rather say, see you later but goodbye is so final.
…saying good-bye when I have to go and do things. I think of the other person first, and don’t want to ever make them think anything is more important to me than them.
Leading. I am a natural born leader and when I see an opportunity to lead or am asked to I have to take it, even though that sometimes means I become overwhelmed and have way to much to do. I have run into that recentaly, but God got me throughout it.
Helping people, especially when they need someone to talk to. And I have a hard time keeping myself from trusting people when I know I shouldn’t because they’ve hurt me many times before…
love and all the false aspects of it
Chocolate. I’ll never deny myself a good bar of chocolate.
Helping someone when they need technological help.
To one third of my parents’ (all kinds of) requirements…
And I think it’s also OK, since I feel good in pleasing them 😉
Doing things for other people.
I naturally love helping people, even if they do take advantage of me sometimes.
Committing to things.
Food, fun, friends
my little brother. hes the most important person to me. I will always be there for him.
Spending time with people
Buying things at pawn shops…and tattoo’s
a hug.
Him. No matter how terrible he was to me and how much he hurt me.
Letting people manipulate me. I hate that even when I know they’re taking advantage of me, I can’t muster up the courage to say no.
Art museums, chocolate, procrastination, and bread. I eat way too much bread. 😛
Chocolate <3