Question 593

Photo by: Sheree

29 Responses to “Question 593”

  1. Drew:

    Music, my cat, the feeling of fall, having to fart during an emotional moment.
    The clichés.

  2. Morgan:

    Looking up at the sky and feeling okay again.

  3. jay:

    God, Love, Music, the Sun rising, my fingers, calculators, abacuses, etc…

  4. Bige:

    My mom, family and God

  5. Kris:

    my friends, my family, my anxiousness, the rain, heartbeats, coffee

  6. erika:

    music, my cats, my sister, my friends and local parks. 🙂

  7. Richard:


  8. Megan:

    Not being able to count on anything

  9. Villads:

    Music, music and music

  10. Alicia:

    my boyfriend <3

  11. Alice:

    My friends, my close family, my church youth group.

  12. Laila:


  13. Cory:

    Nothing really besides myself

  14. ajax:

    That every once in a while I will get asked a stupid question, and yeah change for sure too

  15. Wesley:

    My girlfriend <3

  16. Danielle:

    That I will be the only person who’s always there for me

  17. pnog:

    That enough time can heal all wounds and that the universe is always changing.

  18. Heather:

    nothing is ever as it seems….and to make mistakes.

  19. dgriego:


  20. my family, they are the best!

  21. vcm:

    while i’m still struggling the issue of trust, i believe i can always count on my family to be there and support me whenever i need them or don’t need them.

  22. catie:

    this website

  23. jess:


  24. Liz:

    God and eternal life.

  25. Niv:


  26. Lauren:


  27. jacob:

    That there will always be a new day, even if I’m not in it

  28. Rayton:

    my best friends, music, my family

  29. Breutanan:


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