Question 603

Photo by: Aurelio Asiain

34 Responses to “Question 603”

  1. Had a buck of sleep

    Light stomach

    Lovely colleagues arround me

    Music on my way

    Positive energy inside

    Neatly cut nails

    Lots of things are quite wonderful with me right now that I have to smile about them, right now 😉

  2. mandy:

    My sister:-)
    Knowing God has washed away my past:-))
    Reading my Bible-its so rich 🙂
    Paydays comin;)
    Being home n relaxed:)
    My babies:)

  3. Heather:

    My sisters (all 3 of them)
    among others.

  4. Kawwww:

    age 3, my first memory on my father’s shoulder
    trip to penang hills with my loved ones
    getting present from a working children, bitter sweet memory
    my birthdays 🙂
    living in my home from my hometown – once a year
    new year night devotions
    great trip to my friend’s wedding
    hang out with him, coffee chats
    the joke i recently heard from my Dad 🙂
    2009 combined Christmas of 20 villages 🙂

  5. Danni:

    My puppy, he’s the only thing anymore

  6. Ana:

    not by order: work, squirrels, London, High heels, my mom learning English, my grandma calling in skype, flying, jokes, music, melted cheese

  7. K:

    music. thats all i can think of right now. and even that makes me wanna cry sometimes.

  8. K:

    but hey at least im tryin’

  9. Being me, feeling love, living by the sea, new friends, remembering my parents, children, not caring what others think any more, newness, and self-acceptance. Top ten that make me feel top in return.

  10. Anne:

    my real friends
    my boyfriend
    doctor who

    theres more but these are my top four 😀

  11. s.u.s.a.n.:

    1. My husband
    2. My son
    3. My dog
    4. My flowers
    5. My pumpkins
    6. Running
    7. Rest
    8. DWTS
    9. Anticipation
    10. Gratitude

  12. pnog:

    1. knowing I’m one of the top 1% best off humans on this world
    2. sunny view from my balcony today
    3. music
    4. movies
    5. family and friends
    6. pictures on my wall
    7. jokes
    8. adventure trips
    9. the kids I work with
    10. memories

  13. Gracie:

    1. Music
    2. Photos capturing amazing memories
    3. Friends that are always there for you
    4. The ocean
    5. Looking up at the night sky and seeing the moon and the stars
    6. Newfound self-acceptance & self-confidence
    7. Him and the comfort he brings me
    8. Knowing the feeling of caring so deeply for another person
    9. High Heels
    10. Laughter

  14. Michelle:

    1. music
    2. dancing and singing
    3. the beauty all around us
    4. my family 🙂
    5. my friends 🙂
    6. my cat 🙂
    7. doing handstands in my room
    8. this evenings beautiful sunset
    9. having a bed and a roof over my head
    10. knowing that im doing perfectly fine on my own 🙂

  15. Danielle:

    1. Friends
    2. Family
    3. Doing a good job taking care of my patients
    4. Passing an exam
    5. Music
    6. Sleep
    7. Food
    8. Tumblr
    9. Cold days when the sun is shining
    10. The memories I’m making with those I love and are close to me

  16. Kris:

    Matt R
    My team <3

  17. Kris:

    + all my other friends, my people make me smile

  18. Niv:

    My parents:)
    Bubbly ( my pet dog)
    Knowing God will guide me through out
    My school life so far
    My ♥ :*
    Bunja (his pet dogxD )
    All my friends
    The sms I got now from him
    Music ♫
    Everyone around for who they are

  19. Laura:

    Ten? That’s a lot, lol. Let’s see:
    1. My friends
    2. A certain Korean singer/band
    3. Singing
    4. Discovering a new piano song to learn
    5. New episodes of my favorite shows
    6. Memories
    7. Inside jokes
    8. Rocking all my exams this quarter
    9. Sitting inside and listening to the thunderstorms
    10. Getting to go to sleep early tonight

  20. Lauren:

    1. My sisters and mom and stepdad and family
    2. Kelly
    3. All of my friends
    4. Getting a text
    5. Getting good grades
    6. Watching the dog chase it’s tail
    7. Footy pajamas
    8. Forensics
    9. Debate
    10. Science class

  21. Alexandra:

    The love of my life
    Our memories

    Him texting me to say “Goodmorning:)”

    Letting go

    Blasting my music, and going to another world

    Compliments on being smart, or nice.

    When someone I miss randomly textes me


    When my dog who cant walk down stairs is still standing there waiting for me 30 minutes later after I have walked down the steps.

    When I can see that someone appreciates something I did.

    When I’m real sad, and my boyfriend pulls me close to him, and holds me. It kinda makes me cry, but my heart is smiling.

  22. 1. My nieces
    2. My family and friends
    3. Certain work colleagues
    4. Singing with abandon
    5. O1
    6. Traveling
    7. A good book
    8. Getting lost and discovering new places
    9. Going to a warm and welcoming home orchid pot plant

  23. Wesley:

    1. My girlfriend <3
    2. My friends
    3. My parents
    4. Disneyland
    5. My puppy
    6. Reading
    7. Approaching the end of college
    8. Being at the ocean with my girlfriend
    9. Learning
    10. Traveling

  24. Jessi:

    1) My family
    2) My friends
    3) Knowing my job is perfect for me
    4) The first coffee of the morning
    5) The smell of a home cooked meal or baked goods
    6) Good songs on the radio
    7) Warm slippers and blankets
    8) The feeling after a good workout
    9) Fantastic Market finds
    10) Working on my various crafts

  25. T:

    1. God
    2. Music
    3. True friends that are there for you when you need them
    4. Random acts of kindness
    5. The high you get after a good run
    6. Playing piano
    7. Laughing so hard you’re stomach hurts
    8. Looking forward to Christmas break.
    9. Just driving around in the middle of the night.
    10. Love

  26. Alicia:

    1. My boyfriend <3
    2. Running
    3. Hearing from friends
    4. Good long sleep
    5. Reading
    6. Thought-provoking videos/questions/discussions
    7. Drawing
    8. Doing my job well enough so that it helps others
    9. Listening to music
    10. Writing

  27. Alena:

    1. Ellie 🙂
    2 Reece
    3 Halle
    4 Melissa
    5. Bruce
    6. Jordan
    7. music
    8. blogs
    9. these questions
    10. thoughts

  28. Deb:

    -The way He smiles at me
    -Laughing with my best friend so hard we’re stomach hurts
    -My wonderful twin brother <3
    -Mommy and daddy
    -Remembering how i met Harry Potter when i was just six
    -The smell of coffee in the morning
    -How i feel free after i tell the truth
    -Living in Rome
    -have booked the flight to spend Christmas in London

  29. CesarioViola:

    Raspberries and vanilla ice cream.
    His pink polo shirts.
    Sunbeams in the evening through grey clouds.
    The accordion.
    Playing really well and hitting all the notes.

  30. Kendall:

    1. My family
    2. My friends
    3. My boyfriend
    4. Composing piano music
    5. Sunshine on my shoulders
    6. Music
    7. A beautiful sunset
    8. A foggy day on the coast
    9. Hugs
    10. Chick Flicks

  31. Rayton:

    1. My favorite music
    2. My dreams
    3. My progress in the things that matter to me
    4. My friends
    5. My family
    6. Being at home
    7. Some minutes of quiet
    8. My uniqueness
    9. Books
    10. Learning and getting better

  32. Melanie:

    1. My boyfriend
    2. My family
    3. My best friend
    4. Music
    5. Seeing other people smile
    6. Reading
    7. Burn Notice
    8. The thought of moving in with my boyfriend within the next few months
    9. Coffee
    10. Hugs

  33. Me:

    3. MY NEW JOB 🙂
    6. MY FRIENDS 🙂
    7. MUSIC 🙂
    8. GOOD BOOKS 🙂

  34. 1. Talking and seeing people after not seeing them since highschool graduation 2. neice, and little sister 3. a text from a good friend 4. chocolate 5. christmas lights 6. Indiana Fall 7. a great book 8. weekends 9. a good high 10. free hugs

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