Question 624

Photo by: Taylor Fortune

44 Responses to “Question 624”

  1. what i really want 🙂

  2. Michael:

    The high and low points of my life. From the time when I thought suicide was the only thing I could do, to the day that I became one of the best wrestlers and top students of my class. And when I finish thinking about those, I think about how my life will improve, progress, and prosper.

  3. Drew:

    I was going to attempt to be funny and write, “Tig ol’ bitties.” But after reading the above story, I feel like that would just be inappropriate and slightly douche bag-ish. So I’ll just say Love, even though that’s been my answer for the last twenty questions.

    Never take life too seriously guys!

  4. Heather:

    how to move forward.
    what is my next step?

  5. Anon:

    what i want in life. my future. my past. my present

  6. sasha:

    -love, my future, how to move forward and not be so stuck in the past.
    and if i’ll ever be strong enough to try love again after being hurt and messed with several times, i’m scared to try again and i’ve gave up on. maybe one day i’ll believe in it again but for now i just can’t.

  7. Blink:

    If what I’m doing is the right thing.

  8. Blair:

    My amazing girl friend and how lucky I am to have her.

  9. The past, the future, and family and friends.

  10. Tim:

    Doing what I want to do instead of what I need to do. Can’t seem to get over what I think I should be doing.

  11. Sound&Fury:

    What I need to do to make myself better.

  12. Danielle:

    School, my friends, Rachel.

  13. mary:

    Wow these thoughts are depressing. All I can think about all the time is coupons. Sometimes it gets my heart beating really fast to think how much money I am saving.

  14. My next moves – I never accept standing still or believing I have reached the bottom of all I have to give.

  15. Grac(ie):

    My mistakes. all the tiny little things I did wrong. All the things I wish I could change.

  16. Lauren:

    I always think about Wisconsin, where I’m from, and all the people inside of it that I miss since I moved here, especially Alessandra, Sarah, Kelly, and the other Sarah. I miss them. I want to go home.

  17. Laila:

    What I really want and how to get it.

  18. pnog:

    My next step. But I like what drew says: you really shouldn’t take life so seriously.

  19. erika:

    what my future is going to be like, where i’m going to be, what’s going to happen. things like that.

  20. susan:

    My son. His well being. How he’s doing. Wish he knew how much I love him. How much I miss him. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month.

  21. Filipa:

    why I can´t be better? I’m tired to be someone that I wasn’t, I was good at many things and now I’m not anymore… who can I change my way of live?…

    how mutch luke I´m to have what I have…

  22. Kawwww:

    the meaning of life 🙂

  23. Fate:

    The future

  24. Alicia:

    Analyzing the current situation, planning my next move, and wondering what is ethically right.

    …and wondering what my friends are up to.

  25. Liz:

    Life – where I come from and where I’m going and what I want.
    People – I analyse actions of people all the time, keeps the mind busy.

  26. ankita:

    how i am ever going to make it to my dreams

  27. Villads:

    The multiverse theory

  28. Aaron:


    Any kind of music all the time!

  29. kiki:

    I’m always thinking about my ex-boyfriend. I broke it off, and I often second-guess my decision to be single.

  30. Justin:

    Before it was the past, then I was finally focusing on the now, then I was thinking about my ex. I am still thinking about her. I wish I could focus on the now.

  31. ankita:

    what i want from life

  32. Catherine:

    the past year. I think about how ive made it and even though at points I wanted nothing more then to give up.. i made it. And now I know I can do anything.

  33. amy:

    how long will I pay all the mistake I did. how long can I carry this burden inside of me. you know, it really pierce my heart into pieces whenever I think about it.

  34. Jayne:

    The array of emotions I’m feeling about my biological father having a child of his own, when he walked away from me twenty-one years ago. He’s so happy. His family is so happy.

    Why didn’t I deserve the same?

  35. Priyank:

    I want to marry the girl whom I love.
    I know she will be happy with me.

  36. Anna:

    what i should be doing differently. wondering who i am. wondering if people like me. katie.

  37. My dad he die Oct 15,2011 on home coming morning i never got see him 4 long month and never got tell him how much i love him and how much he means to me and how i all most die

  38. aaron lindsey(from colorado):

    my girlfriend she lives in texas have fun

  39. Alex:

    My sister who passed away 16 years ago…

  40. Olivia:


  41. Rayton:

    Beuaty, fulfillment and how to achieve them both.

  42. Courtney:

    If what I’m doing now will get me where I want to be. Where I want to be. Who I want to be.
    How can I make things better. If I can be a better person.
    Death. Really Living. Family & Friends.

    What happiness is.

  43. Evelyn:

    I’m always thinking about my new love. And my dad.

  44. Hotchkiss:

    Love story from story books or movie..
    (Such a waste of time) 0.0

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