Question 643

Photo by: Salim Al-Harthy

47 Responses to “Question 643”

  1. Angria:


  2. Fruit and the cold ocean.

  3. Luci:


  4. m:

    crispy shrimp and california rolls!

  5. Getting done with stuff… I am not good at long-term projects…

  6. JP:


  7. S:

    A hug.

  8. ankita:

    to be in the finals and to be loved by someone thats not in my family i guess

  9. Heather:

    Volleyball….or fun physical outlet…….and sunshine

  10. Rob:

    A feeling of freedom. The snow can make me feel trapped. Relationships when they are pushed by the other person can do the same. I just want to follow the front wheel and see where it takes me.

  11. bsf:

    cake and cookies

  12. Laila:


  13. girlygotadeadbeat:

    To not have to worry about being sick; to be free to do foolish things without having to worry about consequences and to have the money and companionship to live a beautiful life.

  14. Right now? A hug, primarily.

  15. Leila:

    some good, new music

  16. Deanie:

    A coffee. T would do!

  17. pnog:

    warmth. my house is poorly insulated.

  18. Danielle:

    To not care about people anymore

  19. ching:

    My Zynga games especially Cityville! …… And sushi

  20. anononono:

    damn, a brownie sounds good right now.

  21. Christine:

    friendship and skinnyness

  22. Liz:

    To get back into bed and sleep

  23. Sandy:

    A long and restful holiday, to not be stressed.

  24. Alicia:

    A hug, sleep….

    Answers, conviction, inspiration…


  25. TP:

    Graduation, by far.

  26. Wesley:

    Winter break, no work and no school.

    (For a short period of time so I can learn to love the two again) 🙂

  27. Robert:

    A best friend.
    It sounds kinda weird but think about. Life is a little better when you have someone to turn to.

  28. Whitney:

    A hug from a certain someone!

  29. zavia:

    right now i feel very content.nothing else needed

  30. Jen:

    Food, it’s been so long since I’ve had any.

  31. Z:

    love a relationship whith someone

  32. Cat:


  33. Beth:

    A hug and a kiss from my love…

  34. Fartun:

    Chicken Alfredo^_^

  35. luq:

    to be in love and loved back

  36. C:

    In a word…. Brandi

  37. cindy:

    I am craving some down time to get a take a break from the rat race we know as live.I am craving pleasant adult conversations without conflict or negativity!!

  38. Love.

  39. Rayton:

    Better relationships with others, new friends and rediscovery of old ones.

  40. EE:

    a friend to call and say hello, or knock on my door… and care.

  41. Evelyn:

    A long hug from that special someone. Or just sitting on his bed, him playing in my hair.

  42. @Abeesohlhar:

    More More followers on twitter X_X

  43. Moni:

    A midnight snack & a warm body to sleep next to.

  44. Me:

    a vacation, a new tattoo, a shopping spree, a concert, a frozen chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick from the Rennaisance Festival. haha.

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