Letting others influence me instead of trusting my own feelings and instincts more.
Caitlyn W:
I need to stop doing so many things for people and being a “door-mat”.
stop being nice and caring for everyone that iI forget to care for myself
need to stop spaeking myself in a harsh way being a own critic
biting my nails, a horrible habit I’ve had since at least middle school.
stop being afraid to accept what I already know
staying up late and not working out.
putting other people first and letting myself get walked on.
Waiting to be divorced and see him convivted.
Robert L:
Thinking of myself as less than im worth
wondering about worst case scenarios
worrying about how I could lose people
staying up late
biting lips
picking at skin around nails
Making myself my last priority
Getting my hopes up
Worrying about things I can’t control
Being so difficult
being too concerned about what others are thinking and how they are living their lives and how I’m not living mine as I should
how everyone is having more fun then me
gloryfying the ex who hurt me so much
Putting my needs, desires and opportunities last to save someone else when they can help themselves.
Cutting myself…
i need to stop putting myself down. every time i call myself an idiot or and asshole, my boyfriend looks at me like, ‘why is it so easy for you to call yourself that?’. my father did a number, that’s for sure.
I need to stop cutting myselv and starve myselv to death…
stop cutting, telling my self im worthless and no one will ever love me and that my boyfriend is using me when really he loves me alot.
judging my self about what others think of me
stop being affraid of life
Worrying about things I can’t control
To stop being walked all over
judging myself based on what others think.
* Berating myself for the past.
* Being too hard on myself and putting myself down
worrying about what others think about me and i need to stop putting myself down bc sometimes i believe them.
-Falling for people that are only gonna make me cry…
-Hating myself
Letting others influence me instead of trusting my own feelings and instincts more.
I need to stop doing so many things for people and being a “door-mat”.
stop being nice and caring for everyone that iI forget to care for myself
need to stop spaeking myself in a harsh way being a own critic
biting my nails, a horrible habit I’ve had since at least middle school.
stop being afraid to accept what I already know
staying up late and not working out.
putting other people first and letting myself get walked on.
Waiting to be divorced and see him convivted.
Thinking of myself as less than im worth
wondering about worst case scenarios
worrying about how I could lose people
staying up late
biting lips
picking at skin around nails
Making myself my last priority
Getting my hopes up
Worrying about things I can’t control
Being so difficult
being too concerned about what others are thinking and how they are living their lives and how I’m not living mine as I should
how everyone is having more fun then me
gloryfying the ex who hurt me so much
Putting my needs, desires and opportunities last to save someone else when they can help themselves.
Cutting myself…
i need to stop putting myself down. every time i call myself an idiot or and asshole, my boyfriend looks at me like, ‘why is it so easy for you to call yourself that?’. my father did a number, that’s for sure.
I need to stop cutting myselv and starve myselv to death…
stop cutting, telling my self im worthless and no one will ever love me and that my boyfriend is using me when really he loves me alot.
judging my self about what others think of me
stop being affraid of life
thinking i’m not enough
Continuously rewinding the past and the wrong that was done to me,
even if I will forever suffer the consequences.
torturing myself by thinking of what i couldve done in the past. self-harm.
Treating myself worse than I treat everyone and everything else.
To stop internalizing everyone else’s issues and deal with my own.
hurting myself, physically and emotionally, and doubting myself.. i’m better than i give myself credit for.
-underestimating myself
-having those absolute negative thoughts
To stop distracting myself from not urgent not important things.
Refraining my love.
oooo…personal one. Cutting. That’s the first major one.
Believing in the impossible…