Question 680

Photo by: Ed Yourdon

34 Responses to “Question 680”

  1. Crystal:

    To stand up straight.

  2. Healthy Habits in general… Eating, Exercise, Sex Life, ect.

  3. S:

    To break the rules.

  4. Luna:

    Health (especially exercise) and good study habits. I’m a good student. I don’t know what I’d achieved if I’ve done it right since always.

  5. Leila:

    being organized

  6. jw:

    Getting up early everyday.

  7. Rachel:

    a “well studying” habit

  8. Z:

    brushing i dread brushing my teeth in the day and i wish i didnt
    and standing up straight even thought i am getting better at that

  9. Heather:

    great study habits…i still don’t have them

  10. Debi:

    Exercise. exercise. Exercise.

  11. pnog:

    Do something everyday that scares you. (or at least pushes your comfort zone)

  12. Wesley:

    Spending money more wisely. I wasn’t so good at that in high school.

  13. kit:

    exercise/sports and investing

  14. Upamali:

    taking risks and breaking rules

  15. ankita:

    do exercise each morning:)

  16. LulĂșM:

    eat well, excercise and study more, read more

  17. Cynthia:


  18. BBshot:

    To be more social with others.

  19. Firefly:

    Being less shy and more ‘out there’. Being able to be outspoken and less concerned with what people think of me. Also exercising and eating healthily.

  20. Anna:

    trying my hardest despite set-backs, persevering more

  21. dui:

    being organized and learn to express myself

  22. Esref:

    To be more outgoing.I was really a shy person before.Now I’m looking back and I can tell you that being outgoing and more talkative is far better.That’s for sure.Believe me.

  23. tahi:

    to get back my rights.

  24. Rayton:

    Being more outgoing and friendly to people.

  25. Shannon:

    Telling others I love them.

  26. Evelyn:

    Showing my love to people around me.

  27. Becca:

    to be more active

  28. bigbaldnbearded:

    eating. sleeping and exercising well

  29. Beverly Archer:

    I have many I wish I’d developed earlier in life, but regular exercise is one of the top ones.

  30. Danielle:

    Many things. Early riser. healthy eater. keeping fit. sticking to things.
    The strength and sense I have now wouldn’t be there without my experiences and I need those to know why I am the way I am.

  31. Lauren:

    The ability to recognize self-sabotage….

  32. Me:

    exercising, eating right and meditating.

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