37 Answers »
It doesn’t need words.
i just need some sleep..i’d probably describe it as it has it’s ups and downs and i don’t like her sometimes bc she’s so opinionated but without her i’d be nothing.
Angria, ditto.
We are brothers to each other.
To grow up together,and become better and better:)
Even better I could sum it up in one word. Simple.
both like sisters,yet sometimees so far apart:)
She’s the sister I chose.
sisterly. :] she’s been there for me since forever ago.
We haven’t seen each other for years, but when we’re talking on the phone, it’s like we know each other’s thoughts.
Despite being very different, we’re the same where it matters.
We are one in the same yet completely different
The world becomes a more happier and fun place when she is with me !
-we’re there for each other.
We barely get to see or talk to each other, and less now that she has a boyfriend.
Either of us would do anything for the other in a time of need. I have 3 or 4 such people to tell the truth
Chrissy- Full of love and anger, but the anger is always out of love. Amy- Weird and complicated yet always making sence in the end.
What best friend?
Like two people with one brain
I don’t know how I could describe our relationship in one sentence. …<3
One soul occupying two bodies.
Elementary, my dear Watson
Rox: 64 reasons why! Expending my horizons ^^ Rousse: Cooking! I created her. Lau: FightClub! Cosmic sisters.
Verbally abusive and full of love 🙂
We are honest, even when it might hurt us a little, in the end we let it make us stronger.
One word: uncomplicated.
It is a strong, faithful and caring relationship where I just feel comfortable as I am, no matter what happens.
Blood couldn’t make us any closer.
We haven’t talked for days even though I sit behind her in my trig class.
I don’t have a best friend. My brother is the closest person to me so he’s like a best friend.
amazing, awesome, strong and steadfast.
Sincere, sarcastic, supportive, selective and simply satisfying….
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It doesn’t need words.
i just need some sleep..i’d probably describe it as it has it’s ups and downs and i don’t like her sometimes bc she’s so opinionated but without her i’d be nothing.
Angria, ditto.
We are brothers to each other.
To grow up together,and become better and better:)
Even better I could sum it up in one word. Simple.
both like sisters,yet sometimees so far apart:)
She’s the sister I chose.
sisterly. :] she’s been there for me since forever ago.
We haven’t seen each other for years, but when we’re talking on the phone, it’s like we know each other’s thoughts.
Despite being very different, we’re the same where it matters.
We are one in the same yet completely different
The world becomes a more happier and fun place when she is with me !
-we’re there for each other.
We barely get to see or talk to each other, and less now that she has a boyfriend.
Either of us would do anything for the other in a time of need. I have 3 or 4 such people to tell the truth
Chrissy- Full of love and anger, but the anger is always out of love.
Amy- Weird and complicated yet always making sence in the end.
What best friend?
Like two people with one brain
I don’t know how I could describe our relationship in one sentence. …<3
One soul occupying two bodies.
Elementary, my dear Watson
Rox: 64 reasons why! Expending my horizons ^^
Rousse: Cooking! I created her.
Lau: FightClub! Cosmic sisters.
Verbally abusive and full of love 🙂
We are honest, even when it might hurt us a little, in the end we let it make us stronger.
One word: uncomplicated.
It is a strong, faithful and caring relationship where I just feel comfortable as I am, no matter what happens.
Blood couldn’t make us any closer.
We haven’t talked for days even though I sit behind her in my trig class.
I don’t have a best friend. My brother is the closest person to me so he’s like a best friend.
amazing, awesome, strong and steadfast.
Sincere, sarcastic, supportive, selective and simply satisfying….