Question 697

Photo by: Max Eremine

50 Responses to “Question 697”

  1. m:

    my only relationship is with sleep.. i wish he was strict and not a pushover.

  2. brigitte:

    Mutual understanding.

  3. Wesley:

    My dad is a really good friend.

    I’ll never forget the day I was talking on the phone with my dad and he told me that he considers me one of his best friends, I feel really fortunate with the relationship we have. We help each other whenever it’s needed, and talk when we can even though we’re both busy..

  4. jw:

    not so nice but always supportive

  5. Elize:


  6. melody:

    Like a doting, loving grandfather. Little discipline, just quiet support.

  7. LulúM:

    ummm well let’s say a volcano meets a tornado, I think I have so much hatress acummulated and he doesn’t even know he screwed up big time, plus we so much alike that it’s a disaster when we meet.

  8. Drew:


  9. Leila:

    We love each other more than we know.

    I’m his little girl, and I know he just totally loves me and it’s so sad for him that I’m leaving to get married.
    And I love him more than words can say, but I have a hard time really expressing that to him.

  10. Pia:

    Complicated to say the least….

  11. c:

    My relationship with my father is FUCKING AWESOME.

  12. Carol:

    A lifetime ago, we were distant, afar, even if he was always standing next to me.

    Now, he is my movie date, my dinner date, my verbal diary of my dates and my partner cruising with me on my favorite Saturdays at the swapmeet. Now, our relationship goes deeper than the ruins of titanic. And I wouldn’t have wished for anything more.

  13. Alicia:

    My relationship with my dad is one of quiet understanding and high expectations. He is one of few words, and there is seldom any communication between us. I am grateful to him for acting as a liaison/mediator between my mother and I, and I imagine he is grateful to me for taking after his side of the family (strong in academics, deep love of school, notable memorization skills (particularly with movies), quick and verbal banter, fascination with strategic games, being clever/witty with a poker face and dry sense of humor).

    I would give a lot for more one-on-one time with him, just to learn more about his childhood and what goes on in his life.

    His intelligence level is what I strive for.

  14. Rob:

    Far better than it was, however it will never be glowing

  15. vcm:

    I wish my father was more involved in my life.

  16. dada:

    it was always tipical father-doughter backup conection …but now he is getting old and it tears me apart

  17. We used to be very close, now it is non-existant!!!!!

  18. Michelle:

    Distant from my part. I think I resent him for all the thing he didn’t do.

  19. We tolerate each other.

  20. sasha:

    he cares but keeps his distance.
    -he doesn’t talk about touchy or uncomfortable topics, lets my mom talk to me about them.

  21. emme:

    i love my father and i know there are things that he could do better, but that can be said for everyone.

  22. Alexandra:

    tolerated and distant

  23. Firefly:

    Tolerant, barely present and distant.

  24. Evelyn:

    He will forever be the man of my life, he’s the most important person for me since my mother wasn’t really there.

  25. Lora:

    I feel like I appreciate my father much more from afar in that we might actually have a working relationship now, but I still can’t shake some of the things that he has done to hurt my family and how he is always stubbornly right even when he’s not.

  26. katie:

    My dad passed away when I was 22. He had a difficult relationship at times. He was strict and not very affectionate. But the last year before he died I saw him in a different light as a grandfather and I saw just how much he had really loved me all those years.

  27. Danielle:

    Was always strained and now he’s not around, good.

  28. Pete:

    It’s sad to read some of the responses on here, I would have thought it to be more positive then it was.

    I’m very blessed and lucky to have had the dad that I did and only hope my son feels the same way about me (which I’m confident he does).

  29. jin:

    a loving caring and undertanding. realised it when he is gone 🙁

  30. Heather:

    My relationship with my father is based on lies and deceit and even though there is so much that I don’t like about him I love him.

  31. Fiona:

    Like a goofy mentor and a strict but great parent.

  32. DC:

    It was AMAZING! He was very supportive and gave me another perspective than my own. He died 7 yrs ago, I miss him every day, but I still talk to him and tell him I love him and ask for his help/opinion.

  33. Lo':

    I feel like I don’t really know him, like he’ll never know me.

  34. Rayton:

    Mutual understanding (almost transparent on), a lot of help and support and much care to one another.

  35. Nina:

    My relationship with my father is one with lots of angry yelling, acts showing hate, loss of temper all the time, bipolar-ness, laughs, understandings, forgiveness, love and hate.

  36. Jason B:


  37. Kaitlin:

    My dad is someone who is amazing at just doing the little things that show you how much he cares. Every day in the winter he would wake up early and go start my car so it would be warm when I was ready to leave.

  38. Bk:

    I love my dad, he is the the pillar of strength for me and the force to keep the family together. My father my pride!

  39. LJ:

    He is always quiet and strong, a good man whom I love, but unfortunately we have little in common.

  40. Lauren:

    Silent, solid, strangled…. but above all unconditionally supportive.

  41. Me:


  42. Melanie:

    My relationship with my father is very good. We hang out all the time and I am very fortunate to have him in my life.

  43. Esther:

    Step-father – Nonexistent; he never cared or loved and he disappeared years ago.

    Real father – He’s a great friend, incredibly supportive, sacrificial, understanding, and when he can’t understand, he tries his hardest anyway; I’m blessed to have him as my DAD.

  44. George:

    He was my hero, but he blew it a long time ago when he left me and my mum, and it’s taken me until now to realise that not he’s the biggest source of trouble and hard feeling in my life.

  45. Unknown:

    A sentence isn’t even necessary, I can do it in a word: Horrible.

    Cherish your fathers if you get along with them. Cherish ’em.

  46. Marit:

    My dad died recently, but I feel much more clearly who he really is and was.
    Most of what stood between our personalities is gone now and I realize how much I am like him.
    Because of his death I’m learning the biggest lessons in life right now (and I always hated him trying to teach me to do things his way).
    Bless you dad, I love you.

  47. hexmage:

    Missing, damaged, lackluster, fake, one-sides, and missed.

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