Question 721

Photo by: Aftab Uzzaman

33 Responses to “Question 721”

  1. Christina:

    I’m homeless now.

  2. Asker:

    I’ve attempted suicide

  3. m:

    i sleep more.. i feel confused all the time

  4. Barry:

    i’ve lost faith

  5. susan:

    I have started acting older

  6. dada:

    I felt complete, I was the happiest ever, I had a fammily finnaly … than the new year came and I have lost everything ….and now I am starting all over again

  7. Richard:

    I got married

  8. Drew:

    I’ve lost a lot of friends, figured a lot of things out.

  9. Me:

    I have been hurt very much but it has helped evolve as a more stronger person today 🙂

  10. vcm:

    so much has happened, i don’t even know where to begin. i lost someone who i love, he’s distancing himself away from me, i’m having a love/hate relationship with God, everything seems to be going against me, i’m struggling with my career path in school and i just need someone to love and comfort me in these times of troubles.

  11. Debbie:

    One year ago I was hurt: it was a journey full of emotions finished in August. A speck of love entered my life and I’m truly gratefull.

  12. Kat:

    So much, finally realized I am better then I previously believed and not worthless, but still struggle with my depression and many other issues, both happy and sad times in the past year but at least now I have a slightly brighter outlook on life 🙂

  13. Tessa:

    For the first time, I have been opening up for my family about my disease and problems!

  14. Malak:

    continous dissapointment ….

  15. Ria:

    My perspective on life. After study abroad I’m more patient and good-humored. I met and fell in love with my awesome boyfriend. Life is good^^

  16. jocelyn:

    me, ive changed.

  17. Meghan:

    I no longer have a best friend.

  18. Betty Ann:

    I learned “Acceptance”.

  19. searching:

    I started exercising 5 to 6 days a week. I sleep better and feel better most of the time.

  20. Sophia:

    Very much. I met a person that changed so much about my life to the better. But I also stopped doing some things I used to love..

  21. Wesley:

    I’ve gotten to know the girl I love even more
    I’ve started feeling like I can actually make it through college again.

  22. Vana:

    Lost few friends, ended relationship, distanced myself from family and most people…

  23. holly:

    my heart was broken and now i’m trying to rebuild and move on …. still.

  24. Moni:

    I broke up with my first boyfriend and lost my friend to cancer.

  25. Michaela:

    I broke up with my boyfriend of 4 yrs. Got ahold on my anxiety. Found myself again. Made new friends. Unexpectedly found a new love and am still dealing with my anxiety but in a healthier happier way.

  26. Lauren:


  27. Biabia:

    I lost my best friend due to his illness.

  28. Rayton:

    I started living outside of my home on my own, I began being more independant and had actually began living a life of my own, life no one else shares identically.

  29. Hotchkiss:

    I did not get an ‘A’ for 1 subject. Now I am in second class. I feel happy sometimes, i feel sad sometimes. I want to work harder sometimes, i want to quit sometimes…

  30. I’m more broken than I was before, I’m more lost than I was before, I want to end my life more than I ever wanted, I’m more miserable

  31. Julia:

    My weight.

  32. Eljai:

    location, location, location…yup. three times, and along with it jobs, financial situation and friends

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