Question 815

Photo by: Brandon Warren

28 Responses to “Question 815”

  1. dilip sinh:

    Expectation less and love lot..!!!

  2. Me:

    Selfless love

  3. m:

    sleep alot.. communication. always talk a fight over and hear each other out before jumping to conclusions.

  4. Susan:

    Respect. That one thing alone encompasses everything needed for the foundation of a successful relationship.

  5. Meera:

    Don’t lie, not even about the smallest thing..that will keep all relationships alive n healthy 🙂

  6. John:

    Heartfelt and honest communication with each other. It took over 10 years for me and my wife to figure that out. We celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary last month

  7. Mazl:

    Be honest, kind, considerate, trustworthy, respectful and affirm your unconditional love for each other…. and pitch in with the work!

  8. Never go to bed angry.

  9. rob:

    Be kind.

  10. Wesley:

    Fill it with communication, honesty, and love.

  11. Don’t expect a good relationships to make up for or heal any emotional wounds you gained growing up. Instead heal your wounds beforehand yourself and then you’ll find good relationships.

  12. Drew:

    I don’t think this is a rule, but a wonderful piece of advice.

    “Date your wife.”

  13. Xtina:

    trust and love…and communication.

  14. Navy Shebee:

    never take even the small things for granted, always show your appreciation for the time and effort (even if it is not how you would do it) of the ways that your loved one tries to help out.

  15. Jodie:

    Say what you mean and mean what you say. Even if it hurts because it hurts much more to live a lie.

  16. Nic:

    Be honest about everything.

  17. jj:

    be honest, open-minded, communicate with your partner and try to put yourself in their shoes to understand them

  18. Always be on each other’s side. Even when the other one isn’t being on their own side.

  19. Deb:


  20. MoparDanimal:

    Communicate openly, respectfully, and completely.

    And always do things that show you can put the other first.

  21. bwatt:

    never forget why you fell in love…

  22. Rayton:

    Be honest and accept the other one as s/he is.

  23. prakash:


  24. erika:

    love lots. but also random acts of romance

  25. Timothy:

    Honesty and Communication

  26. Wow that was strange. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear.
    Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just wanted to say great blog!

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