I’ve managed to let go of those beliefs. Now and then they come back, usually through someone elses version of who I should be, but I’m getting better at keeping them in check.
The only thing standing between you and your dream is the bs story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it
That it’s too late …
gravity. lol
I lack the depth of commitment necessary –
I’ve managed to let go of those beliefs. Now and then they come back, usually through someone elses version of who I should be, but I’m getting better at keeping them in check.
The only thing standing between you and your dream is the bs story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it
there are things i can’t control
That I’ll get caught.
That I am worthless
That I am inadequate
That you will change…
What if I fail!!
____ never works out, why try.
That I’m worthless and unlovable courtesy of my abusive ex
that i’m not good at anything
that whatever is meant to be will be
that I am not good enough for any good man