Question 878

Photo by: Helga Weber

26 Responses to “Question 878”

  1. I see a beautiful, sexy woman. Someone I enjoy being and looking at as well. They told me I would be a heart breaker when I was younger, but I never really thought I would actually be someone I thought was pretty.

    Now, to find my match!

  2. sunup:

    Someone who is waiting for something good to happen to her.

  3. m:

    a bed.

  4. Someone who has changed. It’s not the same face I looked at years ago.

  5. Someone beaming with potential. Someone who has been hurt, but not anymore. A Liar, A Temple, A Passion, and A Man. A powerful individual who isn’t going to put up with crap anymore. A guy who doesn’t have time to wait on those who don’t deserve his attention. I see me

    I see the man I want to be, need to be, and aspire to be… The man I soon will become 🙂

  6. Stacey:

    I am a beautiful woman with everything going for me and potential to do great things, but I realize that when I look in the mirror I see negative thoughts about my looks, my past mistakes and failures and what people think of my flaws. I def need to work in changing this.

  7. Mazl:

    thankfully – I can see me

  8. AdamOdes:

    I rarely look in the mirror other than when i’m brushing my teeth. So all I really see are my teeth.

  9. so much accomplishment … and so much possibility!

  10. rob:

    I see someone who has made great strides in self improvement over the last while, and I see room for further improvement. I’m proud of how far I’ve come

  11. Stephanie:

    I really never want to look.

  12. I see a girl who has been through so much and survived. I see potential, intelligence, and someone who is in love.

  13. bie:

    I saw an angel who can change the world.

  14. Rachael:

    I see a young woman who is only a year away from being an adult. A woman who has lived through things that should in no way, shape, or form happen to anyone let alone someone who is only seventeen. A woman who has overcome things that have changed her in so many ways. And most importantly a woman who will change the world for the better.

  15. Jenny:

    A loving, happy, strong, confident woman whose scars have disappeared.

  16. karina:

    i see deep inside someone that’s waiting for something that nearly impossible to have

  17. I see this girl who isn’t what everyone think she is.
    Truth be told, I’m more than just a pretty face.

  18. Jade:

    I see a great face, clear complexion but thinning hair…

    — I’m 21 years old, just diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia (female pattern baldness).
    Everyone tells me they haven’t noticed, but I can see it everyday.

  19. Quinn:

    I see a fat girl.

  20. Annabelle:

    Someone who has changed

  21. Dee:

    I see a lonely girl.

  22. Unbelievaburgers:

    a half-naked female Chinaman dripping with desire for my spicy frittata

  23. Me:

    A loser!! who has not yet made it anywhere yet even at 28

  24. Julia:


  25. Miguel:

    A guy with a lot of potential, but feels like that there are too many ‘guidelines’ on how to run your life(teachers saying stuff like ‘oh you can’t make a C in this subject because you won’t be able to get into a good college etc). A person who really needs to stop worrying about the stupidest crap ever and just live life.

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