18 Answers »
Getting out of bed. Unfortunately, it’s only productive if I do it in less than a minute.
Hug my kiddos! Repeat as needed throughout the day and it is amazing what happens.
feed the dog
Turn off the timer and quit watching the clock. I’m more productive while not keeping time.
In one minute I could write down a new vocabulary word for future study or work a simple math problem to keep my brain sharp.
Stand up and stretch-it refreshes you and helps you be more productive after you do it
Floss my teeth or write a short note.
I one minute I can tell someone that I care
take a deep breath and pause to observe the beauty around me
power of sending good/warm energy to someone else..
Giving a smile to a stranger or making someone laugh
Light a fire.
Breath. And know that it is not your last.
Breathe and meditate on ideas for poetry and creativity. I need to do that more…it’s really fun and relaxing.
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Getting out of bed. Unfortunately, it’s only productive if I do it in less than a minute.
Hug my kiddos! Repeat as needed throughout the day and it is amazing what happens.
feed the dog
Turn off the timer and quit watching the clock. I’m more productive while not keeping time.
In one minute I could write down a new vocabulary word for future study or work a simple math
problem to keep my brain sharp.
Stand up and stretch-it refreshes you and helps you be more productive after you do it
Floss my teeth or write a short note.
I one minute I can tell someone that I care
take a deep breath and pause to observe the beauty around me
power of sending good/warm energy to someone else..
Giving a smile to a stranger or making someone laugh
Light a fire.
Breath. And know that it is not your last.
Breathe and meditate on ideas for poetry and creativity. I need to do that more…it’s really fun and relaxing.