14 Answers »
ice cream and a nap
Time to myself.
top of the range thick, creamy, highest fat content Greek yoghurt – with a perfectly ripe mango on the side (and a towel at hand ….)
Cheetos and Kisses 🙂
Watching the sunrise, with music playing on the beach or on a cliff in the mountains. It seems so fresh, untouched and pristine. the quiet beauty of it all is amazing.
A bubble bath!!!
Days on the coast with camping, walking, fish and chips, fresh air, sea, friends and hot chocolate
Sleep and watch movies
A day at the movies with Reese’s cup!
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ice cream and a nap
Time to myself.
top of the range thick, creamy, highest fat content Greek yoghurt – with a perfectly ripe mango on the side
(and a towel at hand ….)
Cheetos and Kisses 🙂
Watching the sunrise, with music playing on the beach or on a cliff in the mountains. It seems so fresh, untouched and pristine. the quiet beauty of it all is amazing.
A bubble bath!!!
Days on the coast with camping, walking, fish and chips, fresh air, sea, friends and hot chocolate
Sleep and watch movies
A day at the movies with Reese’s cup!