Question 61

Photo by: Kliefi

37 Responses to “Question 61”

  1. kate:

    I’d spend my time smiling with family and playing with my kids.

  2. gia:

    Travelling the world and quality time with my family.

  3. Hana:

    family time and making myself happy.

  4. Fran:

    ditch college and just ride horses

  5. valerie:

    Spend the time with my husband and son traveling and being
    together, and writing a journal to my son about
    ‘life information’ so that he will have it for his life.

  6. warm corpse:


  7. paca loopy:

    I would live 50

  8. Carrie:

    ditch this place in a heartbeat and find my way to you…
    i wish i could do that now actually…

  9. Quack:

    Who is he/she to tell me how long I have to live?

  10. Romer Jed:

    Drop out of college and open a bookstore/comic book store with my best friend and read as many books as I can.

  11. Melanie:

    Spend as much time with my family. Probably just playing games and sitting in the yard laughing and joking. Try to make others feel better and help them learn to be happier.

  12. sweetness:

    1. Go to a college and graduate in International Relations
    2. Meet my love and get married
    3. Travel the world
    4. Just fall more in love with my God.

  13. McG:

    Nothing. Just live.

  14. Natalie:

    I would make a difference.

  15. Valerie:

    If there’s absolutely no chance I’ll survive…
    I’d marry him now. I’d drop out of school. I’d take everything I have and go live in India like I’ve always wanted to and change as many lives as I possibly could before mine ended.

  16. EmilyBee:

    everything on my bucket list and hopefully change some lives on the way

  17. Accomplish keep living 🙂

  18. Babs:

    I would take my college funds and spend them on traveling the world. And everywhere I would go, I would volunteer to be a teacher or a social worker or some type of volunteer job that would build relationships with people in every single place. Because in the end, that’s all I really want to do… change someone’s life in more than one way.

  19. Courtney:

    fall in love& start a family:) And never give up on God, no matter what the doctors say.

  20. becca:

    Just keep doing what i’m doing, with a lot less stress along the way.

  21. Krista:

    find myself so people who know who i was and who to remember

  22. Alexis:

    Spend every day in those 5 years making as many people happy as I can. Whether its putting a quarter on the ground knowing someone will be excited to pick it up, or simply smiling at someone who looks sad. There is nothing more satisfying than being the cause of another person’s happiness, no matter how miniscule.

  23. Katie:

    I would make a difference.
    A million miles starts with one single step.
    i could be that step

  24. Oh, I don’t know. Kill a person or two that I’ve wanted to for a while.

    …Just kidding, don’t worry. D:

  25. Anonymous:

    Prove him wrong.

  26. Sally anne:

    Travel to Ireland. Marry my boyfriend. Have a child.

  27. alexa:

    stop wasting time and get that degree, spend as much time with my family and love, and if possible have a child of my own.

  28. Gabbo:

    I’d do my engineering degree, because it would take 5 years anyway. I’d pick myself up and put more effort into music, and hopefully reconcile with those I’ve hurt before I pass.

  29. April:

    Marry the guy I love at some point and spend time with those I love.

  30. Sabrina:

    Stop going to school.
    Travel around the world and try to go to places with less noise to be more focus on the nature that’s surrounds me and God.

  31. jes:

    Come out to my family and find the person who completes me.

  32. anonymoose:

    living for 10 years

    it would be quite an original thing

  33. Nick:

    Confessing my sins and asking forgiveness from God
    Finishing my graphic design course
    Finishing a big design project.

  34. Rowena:

    I would try to accomplish the things I want to do in life. I would spend time with the people to love. And I would be ME.

  35. Alicia Marie:

    Spend lots of time with family and travel the world!

  36. sabrina:

    achieve my goals,
    spend as much time with my cat
    have closure with things and people of the past
    do as much as I can to make a difference in the life of animals and animals in need.

  37. Joleen:

    I want to see most of my dreams for life come true and to say everyone that I loved them and that they don’t have to worry, because I would reserve a seat next to me for them 🙂

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