Question 1009

Photo by: DonkeyHotkey

22 Responses to “Question 1009”

  1. To help as many people as I can.

  2. Ursula:

    I’m still searching for this one–I’ve learned what it’s NOT.

  3. Molly:

    To live by the sea, and to make the world a more beautiful place.

  4. lili:

    to get out of it and go to heaven

  5. Rob:

    Learing, continual learning

  6. Osiris:

    To live

  7. Unbelievaburgers:

    To defend it from those who come to Earth lusting for its sweet nectar.

  8. Rod:

    To connect people to one another. A start.

  9. dada:

    to spread love for life

  10. Alicia:

    To be an amazing Mom.

  11. chinni:

    life cannot be determined for what to do in this nature… it is us who tries to do according to our mind set which hopes our satisfaction on what we do

  12. E.D. Schleissmann:

    To live fearlessly as myself. This, I believe is the mission for each individual, discover who you are, know that who you are is yourself, maintain the expression of you without fear throughout your days.

  13. E.D. Schleissmann:

    If you know who you are then you know why you are here. The rest is action.

  14. K.Lalitha:

    I gather that our birth was designed by factors beyond our ken. We have predetermined features and change only under certain conditions. So, it only means that we are born to live this life to the best of ourunderstandings and abilities and there is no mission here. Just live!

  15. Navyshebee:

    To live by example, in the hopes it effects the lives of others in a positive way.

  16. Krysten:

    To explore with unquenchable curiosity, and to let my life be one giant expression of appreciation and love.

  17. Jamie:

    To Serve people by helping them transform and use their stuck painful areas as fuel to move into the higher places their Soul is calling them to discover and dwell in.

  18. shaqi:

    to praise Allah !

  19. Your friend:

    My mension on this earth ” to follow and worship my, your, earth and the universe creator” allah create and told us the purpose of our creation, to worship him only, every thing is made with keepin in mind an objective to reach and the thing become worthless if does’t serve as it was made or designed to be so to that of us if we don’t worship who designed us in such beautifull shape we will become worthles and valueless indeed. Dear brothers and sisters ask your self why you were created you will surely get your mission on this earth~

  20. nonso:

    To Be all I Am and to give all I Am, to Appreciate, to Love. I am a creator of beautiful things.

  21. Joleen:

    didn’t find it yet, but I think it’s something with animals or culture…

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