Question 1021

Photo by: Paul Bica

14 Responses to “Question 1021”

  1. Rob:

    I’m amazingly stubborn, I’d have to say I’m more inclined to hold on too long than give up too early

  2. Eljai:

    my value as a worker, teacher, etc. I never asked for proper recompence. And my marriage, I should have demanded he talk to me, that we talk it out. I just walked away, said “if he doesn’t want me…”

  3. Susan:

    I gave up way too early on finding and pursuing the career I really wanted. I’m very impatient.

  4. Mazl:

    higher music qualifications

  5. Haataja:

    I gave up way too early on my hopes for something better.


    I made the mistake of discontinuing my piano instructions. I’m sure I would be a concert musician
    if I had continued.

  7. Daniel:

    Myself… Hope…

  8. Tash:

    myself, and the relationship i gave up on.

  9. Navyshebee:

    My right to disablity I deserve from serving in our military, I should have not gone back to work taking a $50 pay cut, but I had to support my family even though i am in excrusitating pain and have a hard time, i struggle through daily.But somedays it is too much.

  10. karina:

    hope, life, mostly everything.

  11. vcm:


  12. Divya:

    my best friend

  13. sabrina:

    myself, hope,

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