Question 1036

Photo by: White Ribbons

12 Responses to “Question 1036”

  1. Teddy:

    (Dandruff problem, much? :P)

  2. All those who inspire with truth and insight. Far too many to name . . . which is how it should be.

  3. Talia:


  4. Rob:

    My friends

  5. Monica:

    My chair–haha, just kidding. My faith, the support of good people (their encouragement & example), and simple pleasures.

  6. yosra:

    my passion for my work

  7. Barbara:

    Me, and the good feelings I create by doing something I like to do.

  8. Navyshebee:

    Beauty seen in everyday things

  9. Katie:

    My church family

  10. Tanya:

    God =)

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