The ability to have more common sense and be less serious of myself.
Noting more people who live by the concept ” Do unto others …..”
to find out what I want in life
I know it sounds bad, but more money. My life would be a lot easier if I could comfortably afford a nice home for my daughter & I. The cost of living here in MD is SO expensive so, since I am coming out of a bad marriage, I have to move in with my Mom for awhile (and I am almost 30!) because I just can’t afford to pay all of my bills and pay rent on a nice place in a safe neighborhood.
Its ok though. We are happy and healthy and thats the most important thing. One day hopefully I will be able to get us a house of our own. Right now, I am grateful to my Mom for helping us out while I get back on my feet and save money.
Money. Just a little bit to buy a few things I could really use like a warm jacket and to be able to pay to go into the dentist real fast. I don’t have insurance but most people would accept money if I had enough.
I’m with you, Wanton. Acceptance.
money. ample enough to last even beyond retirement.
Nagaraj Manuri:
A pat. A word of appreciation. Recognition of the service we render to help things run unhindered.
A self-driving car.
Freedom from what anyone else thinks. Maybe some freedom from what I think
a decent income
More hours in each day.
less damaged sight
The ability to have more common sense and be less serious of myself.
Noting more people who live by the concept ” Do unto others …..”
to find out what I want in life
I know it sounds bad, but more money. My life would be a lot easier if I could comfortably afford a nice home for my daughter & I. The cost of living here in MD is SO expensive so, since I am coming out of a bad marriage, I have to move in with my Mom for awhile (and I am almost 30!) because I just can’t afford to pay all of my bills and pay rent on a nice place in a safe neighborhood.
Its ok though. We are happy and healthy and thats the most important thing. One day hopefully I will be able to get us a house of our own. Right now, I am grateful to my Mom for helping us out while I get back on my feet and save money.
Money. Just a little bit to buy a few things I could really use like a warm jacket and to be able to pay to go into the dentist real fast. I don’t have insurance but most people would accept money if I had enough.
I’m with you, Wanton. Acceptance.
money. ample enough to last even beyond retirement.
A pat. A word of appreciation. Recognition of the service we render to help things run unhindered.
being a millionaire with health, wealth, happy
Emotional health.