21 Answers »
I’m missing something.
Getting better at something.
A cliche’, I have a millstone round my neck, a monkey on my back, a wolf at my door, and a hollow space where my heart used to be.
tomorrow will be better
worthy, diligent, hardworking….
I have been forgotten.
taking naps and being lazy all day.
I have a nice life but need to learn to enjoy it more.
visiting Book Fair with kids and gather knowledge instead of sitting in office in front of laptop.
I did good.
that stepping into the boss’s boots cause he is in the hospital, scares me.
Today, i feel like flying.
dancing in happiness
going skiing (my winter holiday’s just ended!)
a nut. But some days, I don’t.
being HAPPY 😀
Picking nice colours for my new house.
brainstorming ideas of which path in life I will take
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I’m missing something.
Getting better at something.
A cliche’, I have a millstone round my neck, a monkey on my back, a wolf at my door, and a hollow space where my heart used to be.
tomorrow will be better
worthy, diligent, hardworking….
I have been forgotten.
taking naps and being lazy all day.
I have a nice life but need to learn to enjoy it more.
visiting Book Fair with kids and gather knowledge instead of sitting in office in front of laptop.
I did good.
that stepping into the boss’s boots cause he is in the hospital, scares me.
Today, i feel like flying.
dancing in happiness
going skiing (my winter holiday’s just ended!)
a nut. But some days, I don’t.
being HAPPY 😀
Picking nice colours for my new house.
brainstorming ideas of which path in life I will take