Question 1077

Photo by: Sodanie Chea

22 Responses to “Question 1077”

  1. SUE:

    How arrogant and ignorant the human race is. We have yet to discover that fighting never leads to lasting peace, over-consumption will destroy the present environment, which will ultimately destroy us, depending on technology and material wealth will only cripple us, not solve anything, and caring more about what Kim Kardashian is doing instead of the sweat shop worker in Indonesia, or better yet, your own family members is appalling.

    Had to get it off my chest.

  2. ersterwochentag:


  3. Eva:

    How cruel people can be. How they can actually enjoy torturing others with their hateful words.

  4. Mazl:

    How gullible humans are – their refusal to consider change because it’s ‘their culture, their custom’… matter how atrocious or cruel….

  5. Susan:

    That taking a human life is sometimes “ok.” Abortion makes me sad.

  6. shipra:

    Why Politicians do not want any reforms?

  7. Me:

    How public shaming and display of hate has become the norm – even among those who claim to use the internet for a good cause

  8. k.m.:

    How people can fail to see what’s right in front of them because they’re not willing to open their minds to the proof.

  9. Brainiac:

    How people in our society can not more frequently use the library system which is free and has great resources. Also, how little people in our society value the educational system which is free and great privilege. Many people throughout the world would love to have access to books and education.

  10. Kennedy:

    How respect, common sense, chivalry, grammar, amongst other things, have completely lost meaning. The next generation will know none of this because their parents have no concept of any of the above mentioned. Or how society can be so cruel to people. Society has lost it. It’s shameful. Maybe one day society’s rebels will outnumber society, then maybe we will get somewhere.

  11. Talia:

    How stupid people are. As a race we’ve caused the most harm to ourselves and every other living thing out there! Plus we’ve wasted so many years being stupid and glued to idiotic things like the media and Honey Boo Boo that we’ll never make it OFF this planet and we’ll never meet aliens or survive past the life of our home star.. the sun.. Its so frustrating seeing how ignorant people are..

  12. hayateKUN:


  13. NerveTonic:

    While it has its advantages, there seems to be an unfortunate disconnect that technology has brought. What could be simple pleasurable conversations are reduced to written sound bites and emoticons. The technological connection may be there, but the emotional, human one is not. We are attacked by texts, dodged with e-mails, and commented on in FB posts. The art of conversations and the warm connection that a human face and voice brings is dwindling. We are human beings and community animals…technology is confusing connection with real live human contact.

  14. NerveTonic:

    While it has its advantages, there seems to be an unfortunate disconnect that technology has brought. What could be simple pleasurable conversations are reduced to written sound bites and emoticons. The technological connection may be there, but the emotional, human one is not. We are attacked by texts, dodged with e-mails, and commented on in FB posts. The art of conversations and the warm connection that a human face and voice brings is dwindling. We are human beings and community animals…technology is confusing connection when compared to real live human contact.

  15. Osiris:

    That we use hate, anger, separation and negativity as the solution for the desire of love and happiness that we all seek. Live with love and you will have all that you need.

  16. Navyshebee:

    Our government, and how many entitlements they recieve and how much they get paid for a job that originally was an unpaid priviledge to support your people that lived around you. Yet they want to cut what they call “entitlements’ to the people, who paid in to those resources so they would be there if and when they needed them. those are not entitelments, those are services we paidinto for many years like a savings account for a rainy day and now need to withdrawl from that account to live comfortable.they want to cut Veterans benefits that we fought for this country and earned what is due to us through a contract they made with us to uphold our beliefs and help others.

  17. Mel:

    How intolerant we are, how we want more than we need, how we refuse to see that people are made up of the same skin, bones, and blood. We are a mess.

  18. Justis:

    That what would kill us are legal but what doesn’t kill us are legal. What different governments or politicians does is not part of what makes us human. How we are willing to just to throw away innocent lives for personal gains.

  19. Justis:

    I mean what doesn’t kill us aren’t legal*

  20. Senbon:

    How humanity has gone down the drain
    How cruel people can be, to enjoy the torture of another being
    How killing has become the norm
    How miserable and insolent people have become

  21. bregk:

    That it’s liberated yet so enslaved

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