25 Answers »
that everything can be like it was cca 2 years ago
A really really long and very protective hug.
A true love without any conditions
Happiness and peace throughout the world!
The ability to be carefree and not have any worry other than what toy I’ll play with next.
Do my favorite hobbies every second of a day, day bay day.
To be more responsible towards LIFE
My mommy
Playing in the woods with my brothers and watching my dog running as fast as he can against our quad.
energy & stamina
A huge hug with a lot of love from my grandmother telling me ” everything will be just fine”
A hug from my mother.
A hug from a friend.
wander through the woods
Play on the swings and eat a popscicle
Security, unconditional love, acceptance, to feel safe, and have fun.
Summertime and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
to run outside and blow bubbles
A hug and to be told I’m loved.
Asking HIM if he would come out and show me the city a little bit 🙂
Dunkaroos, Ice-pops, Kool-aid, and a play date with the people I grew up with.
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that everything can be like it was cca 2 years ago
A really really long and very protective hug.
A true love without any conditions
Happiness and peace throughout the world!
The ability to be carefree and not have any worry other than what toy I’ll play with next.
Do my favorite hobbies every second of a day, day bay day.
To be more responsible towards LIFE
My mommy
Playing in the woods with my brothers and watching my dog running as fast as he can against our quad.
energy & stamina
A huge hug with a lot of love from my grandmother telling me ” everything will be just fine”
A hug from my mother.
A hug from a friend.
wander through the woods
Play on the swings and eat a popscicle
Security, unconditional love, acceptance, to feel safe, and have fun.
Summertime and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
to run outside and blow bubbles
A hug and to be told I’m loved.
Asking HIM if he would come out and show me the city a little bit 🙂
Dunkaroos, Ice-pops, Kool-aid, and a play date with the people I grew up with.