Question 1156

Photo by: Malik Williams

14 Responses to “Question 1156”

  1. Mazl:

    the time …. far too often

  2. Susan:

    Bank accounts

  3. peggie:


  4. Randy Seabrook:

    The News and the weather. I need to know what’s going on in the world. Even though it makes me sad or scared most days.

  5. KK:

    Facebook, email and bank account.

  6. dada:

    how my parents are doing

  7. Ria:


  8. Eljai:

    My recovery forum.

  9. Ella:

    Facebook, Email, phone.

  10. zavia:


  11. JRB:

    Bank accounts

  12. Navyshebee:

    What my husband’s plans are for the day.

  13. Joleen:

    e-mails, forum-account, phone, music

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