That mental illness is an illness just like any other illness, i.e. cancer, COPD, ET, MS, MD, etc., etc.
Veteran Homlessness,and how PTSD is not a violent disease. Not everyone who is diagnosed is violent.
the good in the world. there’s too much focus on the bad.
Mercy, grace, forgiveness, giving others the benefit of the doubt.
no one talks enough about love. love for yourself. love for others. love for being fucking humane to other people because their human too.
Like Susan, I say mental illnesses and how they are actually neurological disorders.
How we are raising our children to feel entitled instead of earning privaledge. Most kids today feel they are entitled to the latest items, such as a cell phone instead of earning money to buy thier own, they also lack manners and respect for thier elders. I blame the parents on how they raise their kids.
Trust. You only hear songs about drugs sex and alcohol. I haven’t heard a song that is about trust that an artist that is looked up to today made. Correct me if I’m wrong
^^^I completely agree with you..
Also, marriage. It makes me sad how many people get divorced these days.
personal responsibility
Self-control and self-denial.
common decency
Brotherhood of mankind
Love but sex..
That mental illness is an illness just like any other illness, i.e. cancer, COPD, ET, MS, MD, etc., etc.
Veteran Homlessness,and how PTSD is not a violent disease. Not everyone who is diagnosed is violent.
the good in the world. there’s too much focus on the bad.
Mercy, grace, forgiveness, giving others the benefit of the doubt.
no one talks enough about love. love for yourself. love for others. love for being fucking humane to other people because their human too.
Like Susan, I say mental illnesses and how they are actually neurological disorders.
How we are raising our children to feel entitled instead of earning privaledge. Most kids today feel they are entitled to the latest items, such as a cell phone instead of earning money to buy thier own, they also lack manners and respect for thier elders. I blame the parents on how they raise their kids.
Trust. You only hear songs about drugs sex and alcohol. I haven’t heard a song that is about trust that an artist that is looked up to today made. Correct me if I’m wrong
^^^I completely agree with you..
Also, marriage. It makes me sad how many people get divorced these days.
The ineffable Dow that permeates all y’alls
How to make money *