Shades of green. Sometimes growing, sometimes envious, hardly ever neutral. Always having potential
the color of the sky. because I live by the Sun. Because it’s true.
yellow – because my life has more sunshine than rain
Orange is vibrantly neutral, neither high nor low energy potential, generating positive vibrations around all. Scientifically this color activates many reactions inside the human body.
66ccff – Green and blue, hopeful and grown, more light than dark.
French Mauve, D473D4, because, why not? It’s a pretty color, and something you don’t always see.
seafoam green, because it’s calming, and sad, and envious, all at the same time.
red. being the color of blood, it represents both life and death – we cannot live without blood and yet we often associate it with dying. it is passionate and bold, the most difficult color to look at, and because of that, i think it represents my life well. i am alive, but at the same time, dying. i may not always be the easiest person to be around, but i know who i am and i’m not afraid to be me.
Green, i like it because it brings more meaning for my life.
red, the color of passion, life, hope and ambition
Yellow – sweet and sour! 🙂
White.. Sometimes my life felt blank because I walked to fast. Sometimes, me, my friends, family or strangers, people- pour colour into it. Sometimes, it is mix with other colour to form another colour.
Sometimes, it decolourise.
Yellow, because it is the colour of happiness and sunshine and summertime and smiley faces 😀
Honestly, Black is the first color that came to mind.
Red because it represents the colour of love,life,death and ambition
A colour that might look dull or boring, but combines well with pretty much every other colour. Besides, it can be actually beautiful if you give it a proper look.
Black. Because the darkness I the only place I can truly hide
Purple…it gives me positve self image and power to do things i might not do, there are many shades from royal, to pale like wild reminds me of beauty inside and out.
White. I am lost.
And blue. It represents tranquility and sincerity.
Orange. It is amusing and fun. I would like to hide in the background, but most often am unsuccessful at this. Fall is my favorite time of the year. When I look at it, I feel a zest for life.
Pink – it is calming, energising & fun!
Black. Even if it`s black, you can still see its colour through perspectives.
A nauseatingly garish beige.
Shades of green. Sometimes growing, sometimes envious, hardly ever neutral. Always having potential
the color of the sky. because I live by the Sun. Because it’s true.
yellow – because my life has more sunshine than rain
Orange is vibrantly neutral, neither high nor low energy potential, generating positive vibrations around all. Scientifically this color activates many reactions inside the human body.
yellow: my life ALSO has more sunshine than rain!
66ccff – Green and blue, hopeful and grown, more light than dark.
French Mauve, D473D4, because, why not? It’s a pretty color, and something you don’t always see.
seafoam green, because it’s calming, and sad, and envious, all at the same time.
red. being the color of blood, it represents both life and death – we cannot live without blood and yet we often associate it with dying. it is passionate and bold, the most difficult color to look at, and because of that, i think it represents my life well. i am alive, but at the same time, dying. i may not always be the easiest person to be around, but i know who i am and i’m not afraid to be me.
Green, i like it because it brings more meaning for my life.
red, the color of passion, life, hope and ambition
Yellow – sweet and sour! 🙂
White.. Sometimes my life felt blank because I walked to fast. Sometimes, me, my friends, family or strangers, people- pour colour into it. Sometimes, it is mix with other colour to form another colour.
Sometimes, it decolourise.
I love your answer, Hotchkiss!
Yellow, because it is the colour of happiness and sunshine and summertime and smiley faces 😀
Honestly, Black is the first color that came to mind.
Red because it represents the colour of love,life,death and ambition
A colour that might look dull or boring, but combines well with pretty much every other colour. Besides, it can be actually beautiful if you give it a proper look.
Black. Because the darkness I the only place I can truly hide
Purple…it gives me positve self image and power to do things i might not do, there are many shades from royal, to pale like wild reminds me of beauty inside and out.
White. I am lost.
And blue. It represents tranquility and sincerity.
Orange. It is amusing and fun. I would like to hide in the background, but most often am unsuccessful at this. Fall is my favorite time of the year. When I look at it, I feel a zest for life.
Pink – it is calming, energising & fun!
Black. Even if it`s black, you can still see its colour through perspectives.