Question 1207

Photo by: Jorge Quinteros

35 Responses to “Question 1207”

  1. Eljai:

    a good night’s sleep

  2. taylor:


  3. Someone to ask me I’m alright. Then lend me a shoulder to cry on.

  4. KK:


  5. shipra:

    quality time with family.

  6. dada:

    a hug

  7. Mazl:


  8. Susan:

    . . . alone time. But I couldn’t agree with Mazl more. I NEED acknowledgement, but for some reason, there’s one person who simply refuses to give it to me. I wonder why?

  9. Tons of hugs and lots of love from the right person.

  10. nani:

    someone to talk too or someone who just wants to put back a smile on your face 😀

  11. Heidi:

    My daddy

  12. Sajnite:


  13. Navyshebee:

    A quiet space

  14. zeee:


  15. Ebony:

    A hug

  16. chels:

    a body pillow

  17. rj:

    hug from the right person

  18. Cor:


  19. AT:

    My MOM, miss her so much

  20. zavia:

    calmness quietness

  21. someone to listen to me

  22. breena:


  23. samia:


  24. Mei:


  25. Belle:

    Someone who understands

  26. Jen:

    A good idea

  27. Jen:

    A dirty martini

  28. Unbelievaburgers:

    A special needs kid jacking off in a wheat field.

  29. Mar00n~H:

    the one

  30. Nic:

    A hug.

  31. Ke:


  32. Nhân:

    a hug and one kiss

  33. MP:

    My mommy

  34. msgemini:

    a long warm hug

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