Question 1215

Photo by: John Ryan

19 Responses to “Question 1215”

  1. Unbelievaburgers:


    Because I can’t.

    [sad face]

  2. Brian:

    commit suicide physical or mental

  3. Susan:

    Get a tattoo

  4. Put myself down in my eyes.

  5. Bismah:

    can’t accept some else’s definiton about my self at any cost.

  6. Maryam:

    Betray to my standards and values.

  7. KK:


  8. Terry:

    Marinate and BBQ over Buffalo chips.

  9. henry:

    give up on myself

  10. sushanth:

    i never want to cheat myself which most people are often doing

  11. Ria:


  12. Mar00n~H:

    I would never break my priority’s to please some one

  13. MP:

    Say “I can’t”

  14. garfield:

    I would NEVER betray my bushido.

  15. msgemini:

    i would never let myself betray anyone i love

  16. smileordie:

    Try drugs.

  17. Nic:

    “Faraway Places”

  18. BubblesQ:

    Let negativity manipulate me.

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