Other people are too different than me to ________________.
I will do it tommorow
God could never forgive me for what I’ve done.
I’m not good enough.
Eugene Eiman:
knowing what’s right but still do wrong and hope that it’s the right decision that I’ve made!
manish kumar:
i am helpless
That they would be happy if they only had ________. In actuality it is not the events in our lives or the material objects that we have that define happiness. Happiness comes from within and it is a choice.
It can wait ’till tomorrow. (tomorrow never comes)
he or she won’t cheat
I am living without purpose.
it doesn’t matter to me.
everything should matter no matter how little
I can’t do it.
Everyone can impress them selves with achieving things, if you just try
Other people are too different than me to ________________.
I will do it tommorow
God could never forgive me for what I’ve done.
I’m not good enough.
knowing what’s right but still do wrong and hope that it’s the right decision that I’ve made!
i am helpless
That they would be happy if they only had ________. In actuality it is not the events in our lives or the material objects that we have that define happiness. Happiness comes from within and it is a choice.
It can wait ’till tomorrow. (tomorrow never comes)
he or she won’t cheat
I am living without purpose.
it doesn’t matter to me.
everything should matter no matter how little
I can’t do it.
Everyone can impress them selves with achieving things, if you just try
have hope
I can’t do that now.
I’m not good enough. I don’t deserve to be loved.
I have no choice.
no one cares
I can handle ( _______ ) without help