Over purchasing of craft materials just because they were on sale or looked cool. I need to think things through and PLAN so I stop wasting valuable time and money.
shoes… The ones that were ‘reduced/desirable brand/great design/wonderful/ flimsy/special occasionflattering etc’ in the hope that they would fit/be comfortable/be stunningly different /fabulous/ make me feel amazingly wonderful etc’
and they didn’t
changing a job when i really did not have the skill for the new one, thus putting my family in to financial spiral. Lesson well learnt
There are very few regrets I have over anything, so really all I can think of is some purchases…some clothes I bought that I liked but really had few opportunities to wear, didn’t fit my lifestyle.
I wish I didn’t start that long distance/online relationship because I invested a lot of emotions into it and it didn’t transfer into a real life relationship. I could have saved myself the heartache.
college. While it’s worth it, I was not ready to leave home and the workload was surprisingly intense. I also wish I had more time to think about options of different colleges instead of choosing one that was so far away. Kinda wish I was still home, but I have to snap out of the past.
rush getting back into relationship with the ex while the current other half could have been my soul mate
Second marriage. It’s been a nightmare.
Spending money as soon as Ive earned it
Having sex. I felt stupid not having had sex yet, so I rushed into doing so with a guy who I wasn’t even in a relationship with. I wish I would have waited for someone I loved and trusted.
travelling to europe
Love or online relationships. I set myself up for heartbreak way to quickly.
Over purchasing of craft materials just because they were on sale or looked cool. I need to think things through and PLAN so I stop wasting valuable time and money.
shoes… The ones that were ‘reduced/desirable brand/great design/wonderful/ flimsy/special occasionflattering etc’ in the hope that they would fit/be comfortable/be stunningly different /fabulous/ make me feel amazingly wonderful etc’
and they didn’t
changing a job when i really did not have the skill for the new one, thus putting my family in to financial spiral. Lesson well learnt
There are very few regrets I have over anything, so really all I can think of is some purchases…some clothes I bought that I liked but really had few opportunities to wear, didn’t fit my lifestyle.
I wish I didn’t start that long distance/online relationship because I invested a lot of emotions into it and it didn’t transfer into a real life relationship. I could have saved myself the heartache.
college. While it’s worth it, I was not ready to leave home and the workload was surprisingly intense. I also wish I had more time to think about options of different colleges instead of choosing one that was so far away. Kinda wish I was still home, but I have to snap out of the past.
rush getting back into relationship with the ex while the current other half could have been my soul mate
Second marriage. It’s been a nightmare.
Spending money as soon as Ive earned it
Having sex. I felt stupid not having had sex yet, so I rushed into doing so with a guy who I wasn’t even in a relationship with. I wish I would have waited for someone I loved and trusted.
travelling to europe
Love or online relationships. I set myself up for heartbreak way to quickly.
Marriage…twice. You’d think I would learn.
Choosing what to do after leaving university.
my last relationship, 15 years… 2 of the best years of my life
I love my boyfriend. But sometimes, I think I have rushed it a little *
That barbed wire fence in the picture.