最新我都want to quit,不過唔係份工. 而係一段relationship~苦惱中既我,竟然係睇呢篇文章既時候,搵到一D insight. I think i want to take a break raethr than quit it. Thank you for the inspiration. TT
Fall in love. I always wanted to fall in love with the Man who will truly love me for who and what I am. I have been very unfortunate on the past relationships I had, I am certain if I still have the capacity to love a person unconditionally, Worst is I don’t know if I would still be able to believe on the existence of true love.
mind always instructing me not to wear new dresses otherwise you will suffer
Quit my job and follow my dream of cooking and baking
Bunji jump
Date my boss.
Quit everything and go abroad.
He must be somewhere without any stress
Love unconditionally
give up my job and travel for a while trying to find out what makes me happy
Quit everything and just live on love.
Quit my job and move to another continent like Cost Rica, or perhaps Belize.
Stop taking the easy path and follow my dreams.
Audition for a movie. There is just something about the process of making a film that I really love.
Leave my safe secure existence to travel. I need to wait until my son is grown
Tell my family what I really am and what I really think or do, stop hiding away from them so I fit in the idea they have of me.
To express my feelings in front of one whom I love..
Being in a relationship with a person that everyone else thinks is not good for me
Fall in love
Have hope that my ex will get back together with me.
Divorce my wife.
Being truthful about my feelings
Be happy
Being scareless
最新我都want to quit,不過唔係份工. 而係一段relationship~苦惱中既我,竟然係睇呢篇文章既時候,搵到一D insight. I think i want to take a break raethr than quit it. Thank you for the inspiration. TT
Fall in love. I always wanted to fall in love with the Man who will truly love me for who and what I am. I have been very unfortunate on the past relationships I had, I am certain if I still have the capacity to love a person unconditionally, Worst is I don’t know if I would still be able to believe on the existence of true love.
Scuba Diving *