I’d ask OJ Simpson if he was guilty of murder. I am curious.
I would ask Predident Obama where he was born.
I would ask Jesus Christ what he really thinks of us
I would ask the top spokesperson for the biotech/GMO food industry: “Which foods on the market contain genetically modified ingredients? Please give a list of specific brands and exact details.”
Lei Lani:
I would ask my dad why he raped never and over for eight years.
I’d ask OJ Simpson if he was guilty of murder. I am curious.
I would ask Predident Obama where he was born.
I would ask Jesus Christ what he really thinks of us
I would ask the top spokesperson for the biotech/GMO food industry: “Which foods on the market contain genetically modified ingredients? Please give a list of specific brands and exact details.”
I would ask my dad why he raped never and over for eight years.
If it is an a cues I would tell him am very grad for you said the truth and never wrong the same sin again
Offer of suitable job after my retirement at 60 when my resources shrank to 50% and expenses keep on increasing. any employers may answer.
I would ask whether 9/11 was an inside job, but I don’t know who could answer.
I’d ask president of Korea she is trust worthy or not…
I would ask my mother if she was really happy in her life before she passed away!
I would ask God are we really here for a purpose or as pawns in this game of life
i would ask him if he still hates me
I would ask myself on my death bed. Have I learned to love?
I would ask anyone when missing in Bermuda Triangle “what do you REALY experience in Bermuda Triangle?”
I would ask anyone went missing in Bermuda Triangle “what do you REALLY experience in Bermuda Triangle?”
I would ask him if he still loves me.
I would ask Theodore Roosevelt or Alexander Hamilton if they enjoyed irony.
I would ask my crush if am wasting my time
And then ask God why???
I would ask a friend of mine what se really thinks of me…
I would ask him if he ever loved me
I would ask Jesus, “Where exactly should I go?”
I would ask my brother why he did THAT something that ruined his life *
I would ask Lucifer for his side of the story
I would ask her why she acts the way she does. 🙁
I would ask the Christians, Jews, and Muslims why they have killed, and continue to kill in the name of religion.
I would ask a girl I still love who is with another guy if she ever had feelings for me.
I would ask him, if he loves me
Can we be like yesteryear’s?
Tetet, my husband..
Got any change? Obama.