I am not certain that there is no mistake I will not make more than once. I am only certain that I will learn as best I can to do better when I know I should.
The mistake of not giving my own self a balanced measure of love and respect is the one mistake I will never make again.
Trying to eat Shampoo. It only took one time to learn that it doesn’t taste like it smells.
Annie Pham:
Considering myself a Know-It-All person 🙂 I might actually Know it, but I wasn’t able to Do anything wise enough to help myself.
Calling my best friend the wrong name, I will forever live with the consequences, so sad
Have sex before marriage.
I’LL never marry again
Believe someone who says things like “honestly”, “I have no reason to lie to you”, “I’m telling you the truth when I say”, “I wouldn’t like to you.” etc. People who are honest, don’t think to say those things.
Fall im love with a married man
Putting temporary physical feelings before lasting mental decisions
cheat again
Forget the gift of life.
Hi guys,
Here is a suggestion have a Quote of the Day portion on your blog and let the readers post there Quote.
Did you see the sun rise? Best way to start a day!
Blessings curt South Africa.
Forcing myself to do something even if it makes me uncomfortable just because a friend insists that it is okay. And then feeling bad afterwards. Basically, hanging out with her -she always got me in trouble and made me feel bad about myself.. And not being true to myself.
Not trusting myself.
Making someone a priority when I’m only just an option
Tossing someone’s valuable in the air hoping that someone will catch it on the fly.
I will never smoke cigarettes again.
I will never use harsh words on someone. They cut deep and break them. Like when I’m angry, I’d rather keep quiet than throw a jab that could really hurt someone permanently even though the disagreement is temporary.
believing in myself and not opening the door in that hotel
Use Drugs
Trust anyone.
Fall for a loser
Share details of my relationship with anyone, least of all someone I thought I could trust. Trust no one
Not putting myself first.
Go into debt
Didnt fight for my feelings for the person I love *
I will not forget actions (or lack thereof) speak louder than words.
Be someone who I am not.
One mistake i will never make again is to think that i will never make a certain mistake again ,i can’t predict the future
telling someone about my secret without knowing he didn’t deserves knowing it
Hurting my halflife..
Masturbating every night
Bringing it to full-term
going on a late-night barcrawl with a one-armed hooker in cambodia
I am not certain that there is no mistake I will not make more than once. I am only certain that I will learn as best I can to do better when I know I should.
I just don’t know. I make the same mistakes over and over again.
Trust two of my brothers
The mistake of not giving my own self a balanced measure of love and respect is the one mistake I will never make again.
Trying to eat Shampoo. It only took one time to learn that it doesn’t taste like it smells.
Considering myself a Know-It-All person 🙂 I might actually Know it, but I wasn’t able to Do anything wise enough to help myself.
Calling my best friend the wrong name, I will forever live with the consequences, so sad
Have sex before marriage.
I’LL never marry again
Believe someone who says things like “honestly”, “I have no reason to lie to you”, “I’m telling you the truth when I say”, “I wouldn’t like to you.” etc. People who are honest, don’t think to say those things.
Fall im love with a married man
Putting temporary physical feelings before lasting mental decisions
cheat again
Forget the gift of life.
Hi guys,
Here is a suggestion have a Quote of the Day portion on your blog and let the readers post there Quote.
Did you see the sun rise? Best way to start a day!
Blessings curt South Africa.
Forcing myself to do something even if it makes me uncomfortable just because a friend insists that it is okay. And then feeling bad afterwards. Basically, hanging out with her -she always got me in trouble and made me feel bad about myself.. And not being true to myself.
Not trusting myself.
Making someone a priority when I’m only just an option
Tossing someone’s valuable in the air hoping that someone will catch it on the fly.
I will never smoke cigarettes again.
I will never use harsh words on someone. They cut deep and break them. Like when I’m angry, I’d rather keep quiet than throw a jab that could really hurt someone permanently even though the disagreement is temporary.
believing in myself and not opening the door in that hotel
Use Drugs
Trust anyone.
Fall for a loser
Share details of my relationship with anyone, least of all someone I thought I could trust. Trust no one
Not putting myself first.
Go into debt
Didnt fight for my feelings for the person I love *
I will not forget actions (or lack thereof) speak louder than words.
Be someone who I am not.
One mistake i will never make again is to think that i will never make a certain mistake again ,i can’t predict the future
telling someone about my secret without knowing he didn’t deserves knowing it
Hurting my halflife..
Masturbating every night
Bringing it to full-term
going on a late-night barcrawl with a one-armed hooker in cambodia