Question 1345

Photo by: Happy Kiddo

16 Responses to “Question 1345”

  1. Eljai:

    My Fisher Price “little people” toys. Castle, school, airport, parking garage, Ferris Wheel, etc

  2. ER:

    Pastel pink Precious Moments stuffed bunny rabbit

  3. Mazl:

    A much loved furry koala bear made from kangaroo skin with a shiny leather nose worn thin from all the kissing I gave him – my Blinky Bill …..
    Today he would be made from 100% synthetic fibres. He wouldn’t smell the same.

  4. A wooden dog on plastic wheels with a spring for a tale. I stole it from nursery and was still playing with it 10 years later

  5. A:


  6. Curt:

    A big old tree, Its branches were our swords and guns as all boys must have, our swing, our fort. High in that Faithfull tree was the best years of our growing years, that tree was more than just a toy (TOY; something to be played with, or played in) in is a part of my life.
    Thank you big old tree.

  7. Zita:

    Barbie. 🙂

  8. alilmsartie:

    Drowsy Doll

  9. Maureen:


  10. Intimus:

    Lego bricks. Oh, the possibilities… how I miss them

  11. Chica Roja:

    Bozo the Clown I had two because I wore out the pull string to make him talk…whoa Nelly!!

  12. John Hurt:


    He was a little red and white bulldog stuffed animal I clutched tightly whenever I cried myself to sleep.

  13. Cindy:

    Winnie the Pooh

  14. Ady:

    Nothing.. I just like to sing to dance

  15. CJG:

    Legos, makes me feel I can build anything.

  16. Ogre Master:

    The dildo

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