I like to programe, read and play videogames. those things really make me happy, make me feel alive.
I eat pepper! The sensation is incredible for me, I can’t quite describe it. Also dancing when no one is watching.
Chai ♥:
Dancing is love ♥
training and being outside. doing something active with your body or senses always makes you feel alive.
Ramakrishna C:
I dream and dream and dream about what I love till it becomes a reality.
Ride my horse
Breathe! and Love on my Dog! Dogs – are so wonderful – Loving & non-judgmental!! Especially Wheatens… NOTHING beats a Wheaten – Greetin’!
“Intimus: I stretch in a totally unreserved and ludicrous way.” This message really made me smile. Many times I forget that it is in fact my job to seek out the cerebral real estate of “feeling alive”. When I remember a deep focus on my breathing brings me back.
walk walk walk and enjoy nature speaking to my self
Oh. my You have enough taelnt, creativity, and energy for 100 women!!! Your chicken coop is the most adorable farm’ creation I have ever seen or heard of. absolutely amazing. And how it must have esteemed your daughter that she got to build her design for you. I am so glad to have found your site. So inspiring!I live inside city limits so our farm’ has a regulated # of pets and very specific guidelines on animal care. (ex. no outdoor kennels) So we have 3 dogs, 1 cat (who of course thinks she’s Queen), a tiny turtle (named Grumpy- he has a frown), and a guinea pig.Anyway, you inspire! Thank you for sharing your love for a full life with us! blessings deborah {thewhitechair}
Wayne C.:
I force myself to do things I am afraid of. The thrill is incredible.
Breathe, laugh, love
when I go to work actually and get busy
Scream. Let all the good and bad emotions be known to the world. Whether it be while working out in a frenzy of pride and happiness or it be while punching a wall in a rage of mixed feelings.
Tiffany,You have truly inspired me to fololw my dream of a Castle Coop My husband and I are in the process of looking at property’s and homes. We have been reading and studying and asking anyone that has chickens how to house and raise them properly. To our dismay, most of the people we have spoke to don’t seem to really care about their chickens. They let them run in open fields and say if they get eaten oh well ! We are firm believers you get what you raise. If you care and show passion and compassion you reap the benefits. I am so looking forward to decorating the castle coop and adopting the ugliest, the cutest and the zaniest chickens I can find. Just to give them a beautiful dwelling and treat them with royal respect and love .mmmmm I can just taste the reward of the finest eggs in the county. (A big sorry’ for all of the vegans reading this right now. No offense meant.)I will send photo’s of the final project when it’s complete.Once again, thank you so very much for you , your writings , your sharing heart your creativity your stunning photography oh my thank you for everything.Sue from Canada
I was thrilled to visit your weisbte.I spent most of the sunlight in the last two days building my little chicken coop.Initially I began (and fully intended) to build this thing for free, out of scraps from arund the house, old pallets and stuff. Then I stumbled across the Backyard Chickens weisbte and looked at some of the grand estates those chickens enjoy Well, I didn’t want my girls to live in poverty-perhaps get teased at school-so I started on the remodel. I was afraid I was going overboard, but I can see I’m okay.Your coop is magnificent! I think I’ll stop short of furniture, but the chandelier was splendid. I’m an electrician, and I’ve also allowed for lighting. That part at least I can do for free. My sister Barb (Bar-B Electric) will have a blast helping.I can’t wait to tell her of your weisbte. Thank you,Steve.
Singing. Writing. Thinking about what can I do to make them happy..
Ejaculating with a chicken.
Spending time in heartfelt worship towards God and being thankful. Most times, in order to feel my spirit lifted, I have to lower my self importance and sincerely take each moment as a blessing. James 4:10
I like to programe, read and play videogames. those things really make me happy, make me feel alive.
I eat pepper! The sensation is incredible for me, I can’t quite describe it. Also dancing when no one is watching.
Dancing is love ♥
training and being outside. doing something active with your body or senses always makes you feel alive.
I dream and dream and dream about what I love till it becomes a reality.
Ride my horse
Breathe! and Love on my Dog! Dogs – are so wonderful – Loving & non-judgmental!! Especially Wheatens… NOTHING beats a Wheaten – Greetin’!
“Intimus: I stretch in a totally unreserved and ludicrous way.” This message really made me smile. Many times I forget that it is in fact my job to seek out the cerebral real estate of “feeling alive”. When I remember a deep focus on my breathing brings me back.
walk walk walk and enjoy nature speaking to my self
Oh. my You have enough taelnt, creativity, and energy for 100 women!!! Your chicken coop is the most adorable farm’ creation I have ever seen or heard of. absolutely amazing. And how it must have esteemed your daughter that she got to build her design for you. I am so glad to have found your site. So inspiring!I live inside city limits so our farm’ has a regulated # of pets and very specific guidelines on animal care. (ex. no outdoor kennels) So we have 3 dogs, 1 cat (who of course thinks she’s Queen), a tiny turtle (named Grumpy- he has a frown), and a guinea pig.Anyway, you inspire! Thank you for sharing your love for a full life with us! blessings deborah {thewhitechair}
I force myself to do things I am afraid of. The thrill is incredible.
Breathe, laugh, love
when I go to work actually and get busy
Scream. Let all the good and bad emotions be known to the world. Whether it be while working out in a frenzy of pride and happiness or it be while punching a wall in a rage of mixed feelings.
Get high of weed, eat and make music!
• Beach
• Skate
• Food
Tiffany,You have truly inspired me to fololw my dream of a Castle Coop My husband and I are in the process of looking at property’s and homes. We have been reading and studying and asking anyone that has chickens how to house and raise them properly. To our dismay, most of the people we have spoke to don’t seem to really care about their chickens. They let them run in open fields and say if they get eaten oh well ! We are firm believers you get what you raise. If you care and show passion and compassion you reap the benefits. I am so looking forward to decorating the castle coop and adopting the ugliest, the cutest and the zaniest chickens I can find. Just to give them a beautiful dwelling and treat them with royal respect and love .mmmmm I can just taste the reward of the finest eggs in the county. (A big sorry’ for all of the vegans reading this right now. No offense meant.)I will send photo’s of the final project when it’s complete.Once again, thank you so very much for you , your writings , your sharing heart your creativity your stunning photography oh my thank you for everything.Sue from Canada
Listening to music. And maybe gaming.
Break dance battles with Pastor Shlomo
I was thrilled to visit your weisbte.I spent most of the sunlight in the last two days building my little chicken coop.Initially I began (and fully intended) to build this thing for free, out of scraps from arund the house, old pallets and stuff. Then I stumbled across the Backyard Chickens weisbte and looked at some of the grand estates those chickens enjoy Well, I didn’t want my girls to live in poverty-perhaps get teased at school-so I started on the remodel. I was afraid I was going overboard, but I can see I’m okay.Your coop is magnificent! I think I’ll stop short of furniture, but the chandelier was splendid. I’m an electrician, and I’ve also allowed for lighting. That part at least I can do for free. My sister Barb (Bar-B Electric) will have a blast helping.I can’t wait to tell her of your weisbte. Thank you,Steve.
Singing. Writing. Thinking about what can I do to make them happy..
Ejaculating with a chicken.
Spending time in heartfelt worship towards God and being thankful. Most times, in order to feel my spirit lifted, I have to lower my self importance and sincerely take each moment as a blessing. James 4:10