Question 152

Photo by: cdebdme

40 Responses to “Question 152”

  1. August:

    Tough question. I would take my cat, my music, all my journals and writing, a bottle of wine, a pocket knife, and my memories.

  2. Justin:

    My books so I can read, my laptop so I can write my own journals. I wish I can put my family and friends in there but at least I have the memories to remember them by =)

  3. Justin:

    Oh and because I can’t fit my family and friends into a single backpack unfortunately even if I tried

  4. Laura:

    Pictures, of everything; places I’ve been, my friends, my family, etc. My dog wouldn’t fit 🙁 I’d put my phone, so I can keep in touch with friends, an endless supply of pens and paper so I can write, and my ipod so I always have music.

  5. moca:

    The essentials…clothes, a bar of soap for washing everything, money, if i had any, to get by and some supplies of whatever I feel i have a talent in so I can make some money when it runs low.

  6. I think I would go with some clothing, as much money as I had, food I could attempt to live off of for a while, a journal with a few pens and pencils, a single photo of my family, a single photo of my friends, my ipod, and my laptop.

  7. Mmmmm, interesting. I’d put a change of clothes, my EHD with my pictures to have my memories and a camera to make new ones (I have terrible memory so I need something to help, hence the importance of pictures), and a phone to stay in touch with my family and friends.

  8. C:

    Money, journals, laptop, camera, pictures, my special dvds, favorite book. Backpack’s probably full already :p

  9. lis:


  10. Elzie:

    Laptop with most important files in it: ebooks, audiobooks, music, photoes, word.
    The bible – to read it over at once, never did it before.
    Some cloths, pair of sneakers.
    Camera and phone.
    money and notebook.

  11. James:


  12. Kate:

    – My laptop, because it contains music, my pictures, access to information, means of communication, reading material, etc.
    – Cell phone capable of tethering to the laptop to create an Internet connection
    – Solar powered battery charger
    – One pair of jeans, two shirts, two changes of underwear, hoodie
    – Pocketknife
    – Water bottle
    – Bedroll wrapped in a tarp (attached to the outside)
    – Lighter
    – Towel (because you should always know where your towel is)

  13. Esmir:

    I would put in 30.000 USD… 😀

  14. Anne:

    my cell phone & charger, my money,favorite books, ipod touch.
    my laptop MAYBE.
    sounds like I’m addicted to electronics, but I have reasons:
    Cell phone: for emergencies, and I can be connected to my closest friends as long as I have signal.
    Money: to buy books, food, and music.
    Favorite books: self explanitory :3
    iPod Touch: I can’t live without my music
    Laptop: the internet means so much to me. I can live without it, but it just brings more meaning into my life.

  15. Jason:

    Tent, sleeping bag, Jetboil, Crags, spare clothes, money for food, Ipod and solar charger, handful of photo’s, my camera with a few memory cards. Pretty much what I take on any of my camping trips. I’d love to just do pack these things and take off into the wilderness

  16. luna:

    sketchbook, art supplies, notebook, laptop, ipod, money and food. in that order.

  17. Otilia:


  18. Dean:

    A copy of Up in the Air. (just kidding)

    Pictures of my best friends and family, my ukulele, soap, underwear, money, and a plane ticket to Spain.

  19. lauren:

    my bible, a couple books, my laptop (for music, pictures, and keeping in touch with family and friends), a plane ticket for frankfurt, germany, and a train ticket from frankfurt to baumholder.

  20. Kate:

    Nothing. It can be filled along the way.

  21. Rich:

    My dog Oreo

  22. April:


  23. Kelsey:

    Money, my laptop, and deodorant.

  24. Don't Tell the Boss:

    My journal(s), pens/pencils, my camera with lots of $$ for extra batteries, photos of my love – my baby, bit o’cash, and some Colgate Wisps and floss. I’m a freak about my teeth.

  25. Annie:

    I’d take all of my pictures of my friends. I’d put as many momentos from my friends as possible. I’d put my Bible in it. I don’t know what else to put in it.

  26. Sophie:

    A friend.

  27. Andrew:

    My camera, one lens, laptop to download, solar charger, 3G card, four books, toothbrush, corkscrew and bottle opener, my baggies and a change of t-shirt…..

  28. jake:

    nothing. It is easier to forget what is not there. out of sight out of mind.

  29. sodapop:

    my camera, ipod, laptop, an album, and enough cash to go everywhere.

  30. zai:

    my childhood toy – bear

  31. Rosie:

    My tin whistle and book of songs that remind me of my childhood, my journal and some pens, my camera, Hoolin the stuffed bear, my dog’s lead, and some clothes/food/money etc.

  32. Ris:

    My book of Paramore lyrics, laptop, iPod, guitar picks, cell charger, stuffed giraffe and dolphin

  33. glider2k8:

    I’d put in my phone charger and phone, my rhymebook, clipboard, a change of clothes, and fill the rest with cash. But i’d only use these things to get around the world, write down inspirational things, and tell my closest friends where i am and what im doing.

  34. Nick:

    Laptop filled with pictures of my family and friends.
    Notebook filled with every memory I have.
    “The Alchemist”
    A siamese cat

  35. mistie:

    My notebook, the Quran, Hearts (a stuffed animal), and money for fattening snacks. Oh and a pencil, because without it the notebook is useless..

  36. Kat:

    My daughter … Without her I’d have to opt out.

  37. anon:

    ha! all my stuff does fit in a back pack. look up and change your life!

  38. Jason B:

    My laptop, my favorite books, and my friends
    not sure how the friends part would work maybe just the memories

  39. hexmage:

    My glasses, my favorite card, my laptop (with charger cord), my phone (with power cord), and my ipod (if it wasn’t broken).

  40. Sofi:

    My dog Smy. He’s small enough to fit in!!

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