Question 208

Photo by: Khalid Almasoud

44 Responses to “Question 208”

  1. Etizzle:

    I would say everything but I don’t know if I would have the same Philosophy class that I’m in. And if I didn’t have that, then I would probably feel like I’ve felt for the past 20 years, I don’t want that anymore.

    Maybe things do happen for a reason.

  2. Erin:

    I wish I had had the courage to stand up for myself all those times I was pushed around.

  3. JJ:

    I wish I would have had the guts to tell him how I felt or do something about it so I could move on. I also wish I could have enjoyed high school more.

  4. Justin:

    I wished I had told the truth to many people, stand up high for myself, tell the girls I wanted to date or like that how I feel and prove that not only I can achieve things but socialize with them as well.

  5. Justin:

    , and prove*

  6. M-Alice:

    I wish I could have realised that our feelings were mutual before he got over me and found her.

  7. Hana:

    To take risks as I do now…

  8. LT:

    I wish I’d have told him I loved him sooner.

  9. Kat:

    I wouldn’t have alienated and distanced myself so much.

    I have never been so lonely in my entire life.

  10. Beth:

    I wish I had gone back to school sooner.

  11. Anne:

    nothing :]

  12. Saved more of my money when I was making more, hurt less people, been less judgmental…

  13. dk:

    I wish I never cheated on him…….

  14. andy:

    I wish that I would have finsihed high school……

  15. AM:


  16. m:

    I wish I would’ve gone back to see if she was okay.

    Screw what other people think.
    We should care for those who need a friend…

  17. Lacey:

    I wish I hadn’t loaded myself with so much

  18. Laura:

    I wish I hadn’t broken up with him, I should’ve given him more of a chance.

    And I wish I had joined drama freshman year rather than sophomore year.

  19. Bethany:

    I wish I had never brought it up. I wish I had said no. I wish I never would have hurt him like I did.

  20. Paul:

    Cherish every second possible with your children. I love them and they love me, but my attention should have been singularly focused thier entire lives.

  21. Katie:

    I wish I never would have quit ballet or music lessons… I think I actually had talent when I look back at it

  22. J.:

    i wish i didn`t wait so long to break up with him. I wish I didn`t do the stuff I did.

  23. Cody:

    I wish I didn’t get so angry at her when it all ended.

  24. Ael:

    When I met you before the drugs, I could have been your friend and I could have saved you. I’m so sorry I didn’t then, but I will now.

  25. Tiva:

    I wish I hadn’t slept with my best friend’s fiance… it ruined our friendship of 8 years.
    I wish I hadn’t slept with so many people.
    I wish I hadn’t gotten involved with my ex and got hooked on drugs.
    I wish I hadn’t gotten my mom hooked on pot.
    I wish I would have quit my job years ago.

    But all-in-all, all these mistakes have given me an opportunity to rise above and overcome these hurdles.

  26. Britty:

    I wish i hadn’t cheated on him and i wish i had treated him the way he deserves

  27. Fran:

    i wish i hadnt been so pathetic that night
    its just embarassing

  28. agdd:

    I wish I had thought about it more before breaking up with him .
    He did lie and do a bunch of things , but I realize now I love him and no one else . I would take him back in an instant , no matter how much pain he caused me .
    Only you , prince , only you . <|3
    I'm accepting though, and I'm not going after him . Especially since he has a girlfriend .
    It's hopeless.

  29. Conor:

    I should have gone to see the one I’d known so much longer. Between the one I thought I loved and the one I simply cared a lot for, it wasn’t a difficult choice, but the love was an illusion, at least to me, and I realised who I really loved after it was too late. Hopefully I can rectify everything in December.

  30. Jillianne:

    Spoken Up….in and with Love

  31. ben:


  32. Bailey:

    I wouldnt change anything. i have done everything for a reason!

  33. summer:

    gotten his number

  34. m:

    not cared about what people thought about me when i was with him

  35. Christy:

    When I entered my sixth school, I would not have tried to make friends because later, no one will want to befriend me.

  36. christian:

    i wish i wasn’t so insecure during my first relationship.

  37. Lulu:

    I wish that I had never said those things about him.

  38. Emma:

    I wish I fought harder to not go to the high school I went to.

  39. Nick:

    I wish I cried when I wanted or needed to.
    I wish I stood up for myself and for others.
    I wish I haven’t started a bad habit.

  40. Alexis:

    I wish that I would’ve went to college to play basketball. But instead I didn’t because I thought if I stayed it would work out with my current boyfriend… silly me

  41. dude:

    Told her I loved her. Not telling her is kind of ruining everything. Now she’ll never know and thinks I’m a jerk

  42. Alex:

    Nothing. I wouldn’t be who I am at this moment. Had one thing been different I may not have even stumbled here. It’s perfectly possible that I’d still be living with regret had I changed anything. The hardships, the tears, the undefined anger, the moments which have taken my breath away, the little things that make me smile. I wouldn’t give up a single thing. Not anymore.

  43. Alex:

    I wish I had told her how I felt instead of saying to her and everyone else that I felt nothing.
    I wish I had taken an interest in her the same way she took an interest in me.
    I wish I had showed my appreciation and love for her more than I did.

  44. HerTruth921:

    i wouldn’t have fallen asleep. could have saved everyone the scare

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