Question 244

Photo by: Modern Dope

43 Responses to “Question 244”

  1. Janie:

    I’m uncertain I will find a path in life that genuinely makes me happy. Not just content.

  2. Spencer:

    I’m uncertain that if moving to a new city will have the change I’m hoping for.

  3. Judy:

    How I feel, how he feels

  4. Chris:

    What are we doing to our children?

  5. If I will still be here tomorrow. Pains in my body, a lot of debt, and dreams that never come true. All of that points to some impending doom, even though I somehow still go on.

  6. Megan:

    Whether or not there is a God

  7. maria:

    whether i ll find myself…….my passion!

  8. Jessie:

    everything… everything.

  9. Kristy:

    Whether he really means it when he says he cant stop thinking about me… and if my father will approve.

  10. Mark:

    Life and if i should start over.

  11. Lacey:

    whether or not I should give him a chance

  12. Lua:

    I`m uncertain about my future !

  13. Laura:

    How hard will it be dating a guy that my best friend, who is the most important person to me, absolutely cannot stand..

  14. Justin:

    About whether if I am being punished or saved

  15. Jason:

    Who I really am. What I’m going to do in life, in the future. Absolutely everything life is. But whatever happens, happens. Just have to make the best of it

  16. I hope not!:

    if my sore teeth could be cavities. !!

  17. take the plunge:


  18. About if I should drink this bottle of wine tonight…. And, more importantly, about the direction I’ll steer this ship I caption (my life) next. I’m feeling a shift and I’m uncertain about which wonderful world I’ll explore next, and how I’ll do it.

  19. me getting in true love relationship… 🙂

  20. Marisol:

    The future

  21. DI:

    My future , what would i become ? , will i make a difference ?

  22. Evan:

    That I’ll never be able to find a relationship.

  23. Christy:

    The future

  24. alexis:

    Love. And if I will ever find my meaning of life.

  25. Sandy:

    I’m uncertain about many things. My future, career, friends, decisions, school….

  26. Jillianne:

    The uncertiany of were I will end up moving to when my unit sells,
    and love will it ever happen for me…with a lifelong partner.

  27. Amy:

    what happens after this life is over..

  28. Swish:

    Too much.

  29. Anonymous:

    Which one of them do I really like?

  30. Samantha:

    If I have to capablity to truely love someone. what i am gonna do with my life. will i ever be completely happy. what is inthe future.

  31. L:

    how to fix myself

  32. Amanda:

    My future and if I will be able to find a decent job after I graduate.

  33. Caity Rose:

    I’m uncertain of what I’m uncertain of.

  34. Jen:

    Everything I’m doing. I think about how much easier it would be to give up and start over. TO end everything in my life, cut all connections and start new and fresh. Then I become uncertain about that plan, and realize it will forever be a cycle, and I doubt I will find better than I ahave now.

    Then the cycle repeats itself.

  35. Emma:

    Where I will go after I graduate.

  36. Macey:

    What to do about this guy…

  37. Teresa:

    If he really loves me or if he only asked me out because I was the first girl to show interest in him and if he is only waiting for someone better to come along.

  38. Amanda:

    If in eight months from now, I can make it when I leave my family and friends behind and go five hours away to an out-of-state college.

  39. Jade:

    Currently.. everything

  40. Nick:

    If I will survive college. I hope I will.

  41. Daniel:

    The future, where it regards romance.

  42. legn:

    if our marriage will last……

  43. Lizzy:

    Should I tell them I’m bisexual? Am I really bisexual?
    Do I know how to handle the future? Will I know how to take care of myself?
    Will I make it into the collage I want? Can my will beat my obsessions that eat away at my study time?
    Will I find love? And do I want children?
    Will I be able to find I job where I can keep up the lifestyle I have now and still be able to travel the world?
    Will Allison and I still be friends when we graduate?
    Is this attempt at fashion that I’m starting to love, in vain?

    Am I happy, right now?

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