I go though sites that are pointless, but seem to help with my depression, but wastes too much time. I spend hours every day with pointless sites when I could be making a future instead.
Waste time.
Get my hopes up.
Lol! Going to work, but I need the money!
Procrastinating on school
Constantly check my phone hoping that he finally realizes that he misses me but everytime I check for messages there is never one from him
stay up late.
Wasting my time 🙁
My Life:
being late
being late.
A Dreamer:
Wasting time, procrastinating, caring what other people think.
day dream:
day dream….I would like to live my life in the now
working out. and procrastinating.
using the computer and some site as my companion….
Blow dry my hair. It’s boring and time consuming, and my hair looks good for about 20 seconds, then returns to how it always looks.
existing, rather than living.
thinking about it, rather than doing it.
Procrastinating and not living to my true potential.
Falling in love, and then realizing it wasn’t what I thought it to be.
School. It’s like having 7 or 8 different jobs, all requiring insane amounts of work, and I’m not getting paid to do it! It sucks.
i procrastinate…….
I go though sites that are pointless, but seem to help with my depression, but wastes too much time. I spend hours every day with pointless sites when I could be making a future instead.
Waste time.
Get my hopes up.
Lol! Going to work, but I need the money!
Procrastinating on school
Constantly check my phone hoping that he finally realizes that he misses me but everytime I check for messages there is never one from him
stay up late.
Wasting my time 🙁
being late
being late.
Wasting time, procrastinating, caring what other people think.
day dream….I would like to live my life in the now
working out. and procrastinating.
using the computer and some site as my companion….
Blow dry my hair. It’s boring and time consuming, and my hair looks good for about 20 seconds, then returns to how it always looks.
existing, rather than living.
thinking about it, rather than doing it.
Procrastinating and not living to my true potential.
worry way too much about everything
receive parking tickets and fail to pay them before they double
Ironing….why don’t I just wear creased clothes!
Filling up my gas tank. I need to learn to just fill up the entire tank instead of filling it up a little bit multiple times.
Tell people that I’m okay. Yeah right.
Being depressed. Why cant I just enjoy life?
Opening myself up to get hurt.
Humiliating myself.
Getting angry at simple things.
Waking up early for school.